Seznam MS-DOS her
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Související:-man -train / /translate_c 007 casino 101 dino pak 1830 railroads and robber barons avalon hill 1942 1942 pacific air war 1942 the pacific air war microprose software (1994 2140 2492 3-d helicopter 3-d helicopter simulator 3-D Helicopter Simulator Sierra On-Line (1987 3-d helicopter simulator sierra on-line (1987 3000 sin city 4x4 4x4 evolution 688 attack sub a-10 A-10 cuba a-10 cuba a-10 tank killer a-train a320 airbus abbe abbe exodus abbe odyssey Abe Exodus abe exodus abe odysse abe odyssey abes abes exodus abes odysse abes odyssey abes odyssey demo abrams battle tank absolute pinball abus abys ace age ace combat aces aces deep aces over europe aces over pacific Aces Over The Deep aces over the deep aces the deep aces the sky acros across across the rhine action action ball deluxe activity activity original actua actua ice hockey actua soccer Actua Tenis actua tenis actua tennis ada add ons advance advance tactical fighter adventure chronicles adventure pinball adventures tintin, the prisoners the sun aethra chronicles age age conan age eart age empire age empire crack age empire iii age empires age empires crack age empires data disk age empires gold edition age empires iii age japan age off empires agent 007 agent hugo air air barons air battle air battles sky defender air combat air conflict air port mania air simulator air soft Air strike air strike air strike 1994 air tycoon airbus 2000 special edition airline airline transport tycoon airline tycoon airline tycoon deluxe airline tycoon evolution aladdin aladdin disney aladdin dos aladdin hra aladin aladin 1994 aladin hra albion Albion hra albion hra alcatraz alie alien alien breed alien nations alien odyssey Alien Predator alien predator alien rampage alien trilogy alien vs. predator aliens aliens comic book adventure aliens predator aliens predator crack aliens vs. predator aliens vs. predators all gods alliance the silent war alon the dark alone the dark alone the dark the new nightmare alpha ball alpha storm alpha zero altered beast amazing adventur amazing adventures amazing adventures the lost tomb amazing spider man hra amazon quest america army american army american builder deluxe american conquest american dragon american farmer american chopper american chopper full throttle american life american tractor americas army amulets and armor anal anal sex ancient bricks ancient domains mystery ancient empire ancient empires ancient empires lux ancient rome ancient wars andromeda andy animal animal quest animal sex animal sex video anno another war another world ant run anta hra ants apache apache longbow apache longbow assault apocalypse aqua aqua dig aqua fish aqua real aqua tycoon Aquanoid aquanoid arcade arcade park arcade pool arctic quest arena elder scroll ares arch angel archimedean dynasty archon ultra Arkanoid arkanoid Arkanoid Ball arkanoid ball Arkanoid Ball) arkanoid ball) arkanoid revenge doh ARMA arma arma crack armageddon armor alley armored fist armored stride armour army heroes army man rts army men army men rpg army men rts army men sta army men trilogy ascendancy assa Asterix asterix asterix crack asterix hra asterix mega madness Asterix Operation Getafix asterix operation getafix atari atari arcade hits atc simulator atc tower simulator atlantic quest Atlantis atlantis atlantis guest atlantis quest atlantis quest crack atlantis quest key atlantis the lost tales atlantis the lost tales crack ato atomic atomic bomber atomic bomber man Atomic Bomberman atomic bomberman atomic bomberman crack Atomic Bomberman game atomic bomberman game atomic edition Atomix atomix atr 1944 AUTO auto auto driver auto motor auto simulator auto zoo avalon awe axe aztec aztecs b-17 b-17 flying fortress babie baby baby vegas Backgammon backgammon bad dudes bal deluxe balance baldies Ball ball ball game ball rush bang gunship elite bar bar bie barbarian barbi Barbie barbie barbie crack barbie demo barbie girl barbie girls barbie hra barbie hra scene barbie scene hra barbie sport Barbie Super Model barbie super model bard baseball bash basket basketbal basketball batman batman forever batt battle arena toshinden battle atlantic Battle Bugs battle bugs battle bulge Battle City battle city battle field battle for middle earth battle for middle earth crack battle for the pacific battle chess Battle Chess (MPC Verze) battle chess (mpc verze) battle chess (pc verze) Battle Chess 4000 battle chess 4000 battle chess ms-dos battle isle battle isle iii battle middle earth crack battle realms battle realms crack battle realms demo battle tank battle tank (pc verze) battlehawks 1942 battlespire Battlespire, The Elder Scrolls Legends battlespire, the elder scrolls legends battletech bazooka sue beach beach head beach head desert beach heat beach life beach live beach soccer beach soccer (pc verze) beach wars beat ball beetl mania beetle beetle bug beholder beli bell fruit battles hips Ber bet soldier beverly hillbillies, the beyond the titanic big buck hunter big bug big racing big red adventure Biing biing biing! bioforge biologica bionic commando bird hunter birthright black and white black and white crack black cat black hawk black hawk dawn black hawk down black jack black moon chronicles black white crack blackjack blackthorn blackthorne blade blade darkness blade master blake stone blake stone planet strike blam! machinehead blast chamber blaster blazing angels blitz bloc breaker deluxe Block breaker block breaker block breaker delux block breaker deluxe block breaker unlimited block city block puzzle blockout Blood blood blood bowl blood heart blood hra blood plasma pack blood plasma pak blood typing blue max blues brothers boar board bobble bobble bubble bobble bubble hra bobby fischer teaches chess body body blow Body Blows body blows bolo bomb bomb blast bomb jack Bomber bomber bomber ball bomber bomber man bomber dyna Bomber Man Bomber man bomber man bomber men Bomberman bomberman bomberman atomic bomberman deluxe bomberman digger bomberman dina bomberman dina blaster bomberman dyna bomberman dyna blaster Bomberman game bomberman game Bomberman hra bomberman hra bomberman lad Bomberman land bomberman land bomberman nes bombjack bond 007 boom voyage boot bos drive Boulder Dash boulder dash bowling bowling demo box box hra boxing Brain brain brain challenge brawl buster brawl buster brawl stars breakthru breakthru! breed breed port royale brett hull Brett Hull Hockey brett hull hockey brick brick break brick breaker brick breaker revolution brick breaker revolution trial brick egypt brick challenge bridge builder bridge deluxe bridge deluxe with omar sharif bridge master brix bruce lee brutal Bubble bubble bubble baker Bubble ball bubble ball bubble bash Bubble Bobble bubble bobble bubble breake Bubble Breaker bubble breaker Bubble Breaker hra bubble breaker hra bubble bush bubble golden pack Bubble Golden Pack Deluxe bubble golden pack deluxe bubble puzzle bubble soccer Budokan budokan budokan ms-dos bugs bugs bunny builder builder dash building house Bumpy bumpy bumpy exe bundesliga bundesliga manager burger Burger Island burger island burger rush burnout burnout paradise burnout paradise city burnout paradise city key burnout paradise key bus bus drive bus Driver bus driver bus driver crack bus driver hra bus rider bus sim bus simulator bus simulator crack butterfly escape buzz car cab cab driver cabal cabal raider cadaver cadillacs cadillacs and dinosaur cadillacs and dinosaurs cadillacs and dinosaurs the second cataclysm caesar caesar crack Caesar III caesar iii caesar iii crack caesar iii crack godfather cafe mahjong cafe solitaire cal cal duty cal duty crack cal off duty cal off duty crack california california gold rush call call atlantis call atlantis crack call duty call duty (1) Call Duty (2) call duty (2) call duty (2) crack call duty (4) call duty american rush call duty black ops call duty crack call duty demo call duty modern warfar call duty modern warfare call duty modern warfare key call duty world war call off duty call off duty crack call victory cannon cannon blast cannon fodder cannon hill cap man capitalism capitan america capitan comic captain bible captain comic captain commando captain tsubasa car car dealer simulator car simulator car Tycoon car tycoon carma Carmageddon carmageddon carnage carriers carriers war Cars cars cars crack cars disney cars disney crack cars games cars hra casino casino game casino hra casino inc crack casino inc. casino madness casino machine casino tycoon casino wheel castaway crack castl castl the magic castl ville castle castle cat Castle Strike castle strike castle strike crack castle strike key cat caveman cavequest cavewars CD-Man cd-man celtic kings celtic kings crack celtic kings rage war celtic kings rage war crack celtic legends celtic mahjong cen cent centiped centurio centurion centurion defender rome cin city circle circus grande circus tycoon citi citi mini citi racing city block city blocks city box city bus simulator city heroes city life city life deluxe city life deluxe game city life game city life super deluxe city life world edition city live city sim 3000 city sim 3000 crack city tycoon civ civi civili civilizatio crack civilization civilization call power civilization colonization civilization crack civilization gold civilization iii civilization iii crack civilization iii gold clash steel Classic Slide Puzzle clyde adventure clyde revenge coaster rush coaster tycoon cobra cod codename eagle codename iceman col off duty cold war crack coloni colonization colony color ball color lines color lines 1992 Colossus Chess colossus chess com comanche comanche crack comanche gold combat flight combat flight simulato combat flight simulator combat fly simulator comic command command aces the deep command and conquer command and conquer crack command and conquer red alert command and conquer renegade command and conquer zero hour command and conquer: renegade command conquer command red alert Commander Blood commander keen commander keen secret the oracle commander kenn commando commando assault company company heroes complete universal military simulator conan condor condor simulator condor simulator crack conflict desert conflict desert storm conflict zone conflict zone crack conquest the new world construction destruction constructor Constructor hra constructor hra contr strike contra contra force contra game contra hra contra nes contra strike contraption zack cooking dash cool duty corridor cos cosmic cosmo cosmo cosmo cosmic cosmo cosmic adventure count strike counte strike counte strike down counter counter force counter strike counter strike crack counter strike hra counterstrike countr strike country country strike country strike demo covert strike cow jones cra crac crac zoo tycoon dino danger crack crack age conan crack age empire crack alien stars crack attack crack black and white Crack Bus Driver crack bus driver crack caesar crack caesar iii crack call duty crack carmageddon crack cars crack castle strike crack city life deluxe crack civilization crack civilization iii crack cod crack cod modern crack coman conquer crack command crack command and conquer crack company heroes crack construction destruction crack cooking dash crack counter strike crack covert operations crack creature conflict crack crisis crack delta force black hawk down crack desert storm crack discworld crack empire earth crack fable crack far cry crack fifa crack fifa 2000 crack for crisis crack free time crack freedom fighters crack gan crack ghost recon crack godfather crack grand prix crack grand theft auto iii crack gun crack hellfire crack her crack her age empire crack her far cry crack heroes crack heroes and might and magic fix crack heroes complete crack heroes iii crack heroes iii complete crack heroes might and magic crack heroes might and magic complete crack heroes might and magic iii crack heroes might and magic iii complete crack hidden and dangerous crack chicken invaders crack iron man crack king kong crack legend hand god crack lock air combat simulation crack lord the rings crack mass effect crack master rallye crack medieval crack microsoft train simulator crack midnight club crack motocross madness crack nba crack need for speed crack need for speed iii crack need for speed most crack need for speed pro street crack need for speed undercover crack need for speed underground crack nhl crack nhl 2000 crack operation victory crack pure crack quake crack quake (4) crack quake arena crack railroad tycoon crack railroads tycoon crack rally championship xtreme crack rally trophy crack rayman crack red alert crack revolt crack rogue trooper crack roller coaster tycoon crack sacred crack settlers crack silent crack silent hill crack sim city crack simcity 3000 crack spellcros crack spellcross crack stalker crack star trek armada crack star war empire war crack test drive unlimited crack the battle for middle earth crack the battle for middle earth crack crack the carmageddon crack the civilization crack the godfather crack the incredible hulk crack the motocross madness crack the movies crack the rise atlantis crack tie fighter crack tiger woods crack time shift crack titan quest crack tomb rider anniversary crack true crime new york city crack turbo pizza crack undercover crack underground crack vice city crack virtual tennis crack war craft crack warcraft crack warcraft iii crack warcraft orc and humans crack world conflict crack zoo tycoon crack zoo tycoon complete crack zoo tycoon complete collection crayon magic crazy cars crazy cross crazy duck crazy chicken crazy machine crazy machines crazy machines crack crazy sue creature conflict creature shock crescent solitaire crime revolt crimson crimson skies crisis crisis crack Croc croc croc city croc crack croc demo croc hra croc leg croc legend cross cross city cross fire cross fire europe Crusader crusader crusader regret crusader remorse crusaders might and magic cryptic cryptic passage crystal bubble crystal caves crystal maze cuba cue club curse enchantia cutthroats cyber cyber judas cyberdogs cyberchess cyberia cybermage cyberpunk cyberpunk thriller cyclemania cyril cyberpunk d-day daemon daggerfall dakar Dakar hra dakar hra dakar rally dalek attack Dangerou dave dangerou dave dangerous dangerous dave Dangerous Dave Haunted Mansion dangerous dave haunted mansion dangerous dave the haunted mansion dangerous madness dark Dark Colony dark colony dark crusade dark force Dark Forces dark forces dark legions dark mysteries: the soul keeper with guide [final] dark seed darklands darklight conflict darkness springs Darts darts darts deluxe dash dave dave mira day the tentacle ddm soccer dead dead city dead island dead rally dead space dead space crack dead space demo deadly games death race death race 2000 Death Rally death rally death rallye death space crack deathtrack deep rock galactic deep sea tycoon deer drive deer driver deer hunter deer hunter tournament defcon delta Delta force delta force delta force black hawk delta force black hawk down delta force extreme Delta Force Xtreme delta force xtreme delux delux ski jump deluxe deluxe pool Deluxe Ski Jump deluxe ski jump deluxe ski jump demo demo demo jedi knight demo need for speed demo nhl demo pharaoh demo sim city 3000 demon girl den der hanter der hunter descent desert storm desert storm command desert storm crack desert strike desert strike return the gulf design destruction derby destruction derby arena destruction desire deus devil dice dia diamon lines diamond diamond caves diamond club casino diamond digger diamond quest diamond rush die hard die hard 2.0 die hard 4.0 die hard trilogy digger digger hra digger simulator diggers diggers extra diggers extractors dina dina blaster dina bomber dina bomberman dina hra Dino dino dino blaster dino crisi dino crisis dino crisis crack dino danger pack dino danger park dino island dino park dino park tycoon dino strike dino tycoon dinopark Dinopark Tycoon dinopark tycoon dinosaur and cadillac dinosaur island dinosaur tycoon dinosaurs cadillac Dinotopia dinotopia Disciples disciples disciples crack disciples gold disciples iii disciples sacred lands Discworld discworld discworld game disney disney dogs disney dogs hra disney summer games dix ball dizzy dizzy bubble dizzy exe dizzy prince the yolkfolk dog dogs dolls donald donald duck donkey donkey kong donkey kong country doofus Doom doom doom 2000 doom crack doom duke Doom Final doom final doom hell earth doom ii: hell Doom II: Hell Earth doom ii: hell earth Doom III doom iii doom iii crack dorado puzzle dos dos hra dyna dos hra mario Double Dragon double dragon double dragon special double top deluxe dowland dowland cal duty dowland drive bus dowland pharaoh dowland undercover downhill downhill domination Dr. Mario dr. mario dracula dracula london dracula origin dracula twins drag racer drag racing Dragon dragon Dragon Ball dragon ball dragon city dragon empire dragon eye dragon fist dragon mania legends dragon ninja dragon puzzle dragon racer dragon spirit dragon stone dragons dragons dawn new riders dragons world drak drak racing dream chronicle dream chronicles dream chronicles crack dream match tennis drift drive drive bus Driver driver driver bus driver cars driver crack driver hra driver l.a. driver l.a. undercover drug lord drug lords drug wars dta ducati racing cup ducati world demo ducati world racing challenge duck duck hunter duck tales duck tales quest for the gold duck tales the quest for gold Duel duel Duke duke duke atomic duke nuke duke nukem Duke Nukem Atomic duke nukem atomic Duke Nukem Atomic Edition duke nukem atomic edition duke nukem crack Duke Nukem Duke: Nuclear Winter duke nukem duke: nuclear winter duke nukem manhattan project duke nukem out d.c. duke nukem plutonium pack duke nukem plutonium pak duke nukem winter Duke3D duke3d duke3d atomic edition Dune dune Dune 2000 dune 2000 dune 2000 game dune 300 dune 3000 dune ii: the building dynasty dune the building dynasty dungeon dungeon hack dungeon hanter dungeon keepe Dungeon Keeper dungeon keeper dungeon keeper demo dungeon master dungeon rider dungeon siege dungeon siege crack dungeon siege deluxe dylan Dyna dyna Dyna Blaster Dyna blaster dyna blaster dyna blaster bomberman dyna blaster dowland dyna bomberman dyna exe dyna hra dynasty dynasty warriors e.s.s. mega eagle eagle 5.0 eagle one eagle one: harrier attack eart 2140 earth earth 2140 earth 2140 crack earth worm jim earthsiege earthworm earthworm jim ecstatica ef2000 ef2000 win ege empire ege empires egg egg crush egypt egypt puzzle el-fish electroman elf bowling elite elite frontier elma elvira Emergency emergency emergency crack emergency deluxe emergency fire emergency room emergency tina empire building empire eart empire earth empire earth crack empire eath empire the ants empires enter the matrix enter the matrix demo eon the dragon ero erot erotic espn euro euro tack simulator euro track euro track simulator euro track simulator crack euro truc simulator euro truc simulator crack europe racer european air war eva major eve eve burst evil dead evolution exodus exploration extreme assault extreme games extreme pinball extreme racers eye for design eye the beholder f-1 f-1 racing F-1 World Grand Prix f-1 world grand prix f-14 F-15 f-15 f-15 eagle f-15 strike F-15 Strike Eagle f-15 strike eagle f-15 strike eagle (computer game) f-15 strike eagle ii: operation desert storm scenario disk F-15 Strike Eagle III f-15 strike eagle iii F-16 f-16 f-16 fighting falcon f-16 raptor F-19 f-19 f-19 flying F-19 Stealth Fighter f-19 stealth fighter f29 f29 retaliator Fable fable fable crack fable demo face face war face warp faces war faery tale adventure fahr simulator fair strike falcon falcon (computer game) falcon 3.0 Falcon 4.0 falcon 4.0 fallen Fallen Haven fallen haven fallen heaven Family family family feud family flight fantasi general Fantastic Dizzy fantastic dizzy fantastic four fantastic four demo fantasy empires fantasy war far cray far cri far cry far cry crack far cry demo far cry hra far cry key farm farm craft farm games farm mania farm mania crack farm mania hra farm simulator farm tycoon farm ville farme farme simulator farmer farmer gary farmer jane farmer quest farmer simulator fast attack: high tech submarine warfare fast food tycoon fatal fist fatal force fatal fury fatal racing fatty fatty bear Fatty Bear Birthday Surprise fatty bear birthday surprise Fatty Bears Birthday Surprise fatty bears birthday surprise ferrari ferrari championship ferrari project ferrari world championship field ops fiendish FIFA fifa fifa 1997 fifa 200 FIFA 2000 fifa 2000 fifa 2000 crack fifa 2000 demo fifa crack fifa demo fifa football basketball fifa hra fifa international soccer fifa manager fifa manager 2000 fifa pro street FIFA Soccer fifa soccer FIFA Soccer manager fifa soccer manager FIFA street fifa street fifa street demo fifa street footbal fight fight night round Fighter fighter fighter ace fighter virtua Fighting force fighting force fighting force crack fighting night round Final Doom final doom Final Fantasi final fantasi final fantasy final fantasy crack Final Fight final fight final fight double impact final fight one Final Fighter final fighter fire and ice Fire Capitan fire capitan fire captain fire captain crack fire red fire station first alpha fish fish file fish files fish live fish simulator Fish Tales fish tales Fish Tycoon fish tycoon fish tycoon deluxe fisch fisch games fisch simulator fisch tycoon flag flash lines flash player Flashback flashback flig gear flig unlimited fligh simulator flight flight gear Flight Simulator flight simulator Flight Simulator (deluxe) flight simulator (deluxe) flight simulator 2000 flight simulator deluxe flight simulator f-15 flight trainer Flight Unlimited flight unlimited flight unlimited iii flixmix Fly fly fly hack fly sim fly simulator fly unlimited flying corps flying corps gold Flying Fortress The Mighty Eight flying fortress the mighty eight foot footbal footbal manager footbal mania football football generation football manage football manager football manager crack football manager) football mania force commander ford ford racing ford street racing forgotten warrior Formula formula formula one world championship formula unlimited world champions frac cry Fragile fragile Fragile Allegiance fragile allegiance fragile allegiance crack freak out fred free cel free cell free cell solitair free cell solitaire free cool free flight free running free ugh freedom fighters freedom fighters crack freedom fighters key freedom force from the deep Frontier frontier frontier conquest frontier elite frontier: first encounters fruit Fruit Machine fruit machine fruit machine gold Fruit Machine Mania fruit machine mania fruit ninja free Fruit+Machine Fuck Quest fuck quest ful full full throttle full warcraft fun farm fun park tycoon fun towers furries fury Future Cop future cop future wars gabriel knight Gabriel Knight Sins the Fathers gabriel knight sins the fathers galacta galactic civilization galactic civilization crack galactic football galaxy strike game boy game desire game girls game house game over game park game spy game spy arcade games girls games mahjong games summer edition Ganja ganja ganja farm Ganja Farmer ganja farmer ganja games garden garden simulator Gateway gateway gauntlet gauntlet dowland gba gem ball Gem Mine Gender Gender Wars gender wars general panzer genewars genghis khan geo challenge ghost busters ghost goblins ghost hunter ghost master ghost recon ghost recon key ghost rider ghostbusters gina gina wild gina wild video gio game girls Gladiator gladiator gladiátor gladiator trials gladiators global domination global operations glory the roman empire glory the roman empires gobliiins gobliiins (3) goblin Goblins goblins Goblins (3) goblins (3) Gobman gobman god war god war exe godfather godfather demo godfather the game gods Gods 1991 gods 1991 gold mine vegas gold miner gold miner holiday haul gold miner joe gold miner las vegas gold miner special edition gold miner vegas gold pharaoh Gold Rush gold rush gold strike Golden golden golden age racing Golden Axe golden axe golden axe 1990 golden exe golden land golden miner Golf golf golf tour grad theft auto gran prix gran war tank Grand Prix grand prix grand prix crack grand prix legends grand prix world Grand Prix World Circuit Racing grand prix world circuit racing grand the auto Grand Thef Auto grand thef auto grand thef auto vice city demo grand theft auto grand theft auto (dos) grand theft auto advance Grand Theft Auto III grand theft auto iii Grand Theft Auto III Vice City grand theft auto iii vice city Grand Theft Auto London 1969 grand theft auto london 1969 grand theft auto underground grand theft auto vice citi grand theft auto vice city grand theft auto vice city crack grand there auto gravity great mahjong great naval battles Great Naval Battles North Atlantic great naval battles north atlantic great naval battles the north atlantic greed corp gremlins greys anatomy grim Guild wars Guimo guimo gun gun crack gun hra gunboat gunmetal gunner Gunship gunship gunship battle Gunship Tank Killer hacker Hacker Evolution hacker evolution had hal life blue shift Half half half life half life blue shift half life crack half life episode one half life episode two half live hall hallo hammer boy hamurabi hang time hard hard track harrier attack harry harry and the haunted house Haunted haunted have have mouth Have Mouth And Must Scream have mouth and must scream Have Mouth, and Must Scream have mouth, and must scream have not mouth and must scream heart heart darknes Heart Darkness heart darkness heart iron heartlight hearts hearts iron hecker heli heroes helicopter helicopter mission helicopter simulator helicopter wars hell copter hell forces hellfire hellfire crack her her need for speed underground Heretic heretic heretic exe Heretic hra heretic hra heretic shadow the serpent riders hero rising Heroes heroes heroes and magic complete crack heroes and might and magic heroes and might and magic complete heroes and might and magic fix heroes and might and magic iii heroes and might magic heroes complet Heroes Complete Heroes complete heroes complete heroes complete crack heroes crack heroes demo Heroes Chronicles Heroes Chronicles Clash the Dragons heroes chronicles clash the dragons Heroes III heroes iii Heroes III Complete heroes iii complete heroes iii complete crack heroes iii crack heroes magic heroes migh and magic heroes might Heroes Might and Magic heroes might and magic heroes might and magic complete heroes might and magic complete crack heroes might and magic complete original heroes might and magic crack heroes might and magic demo Heroes Might and Magic III heroes might and magic iii Heroes Might and Magic III Complete heroes might and magic iii complete heroes might and magic iii complete original heroes might and magic iii crack heroes might and magic the wake gods heroes might off magic heroes off might and magic heroes off might and magic crack heroes the might and magic heroes the pacific heroes the pacific crack heroes the tantalising trio hex hex hop Hexen hexen hexxagon hi-octane hidden hidden and dangerous hidden dangerou hidden dangerous hidden dangerous crack hidden expedition hidden expedition amazon hidden expedition titanic hidden object high roller casino high seas trader hind hip historik historik hri history line historyline Historyline 1914-1918 historyline 1914-1918 hit man hockey hockey manager hocus Hocus Pocus hocus pocus hod dog bush hollywood pictures hom home alone Homeworld homeworld homeworld cataclysm homeworld crack horde hot dog bush hot pursuit hot racer hotel gian hotel tycoon hour victory crack house house the dead house the death hoyle casino hoyle casino 1999 hra hra -sherlock holmes hra Abe hra activity hra aladin hra arkanoid hra arkanoid ball hra Arkanoid Ball) hra arkanoid ball) hra atlantis the lost tales hra atomic bomberman hra aut hra backgammon hra bomber hra bomber man hra Bomberman hra bomberman hra box hra boxing hra bus simulator hra call duty hra cars hra casino hra city box hra color lines hra contra hra croc hra dark colony hra dina hra dino park tycoon hra dinopark hra disney donald duck hra doom hra dream chronicles hra dungeon siege hra dyna Hra F-19 Stealth Fighter hra f-19 stealth fighter hra fair strike hra fallen haven hra farm mania hra farmer hra farmer tycoon hra fifa hra Heroes hra heroes hra heroes might and hra hexen hra hocus pocu hra hocus pocus hra hra new york nights hra Hugo hra hugo hra hund hra igi hra igi zuma deluxe hra ignition hra jazz hra jazz ball hra jazz rabbit hra jigsaw puzzle hra journey the moon hra kal duty tri hra kris hra Kyrandia hra kyrandia hra las vegas night hra las vegas nights hra Lemmings hra lemmings hra lines hra Lion King hra lion king hra lost patrol hra mah jong hra mahjong hra mahjong forever hra mall tycoon hra Mario hra mario hra mario forever hra matrix hra miami nights hra montezuma hra mortal kombat hra moto hra nes hra new york nights hra NHL hra nhl hra nhl 1996 hra nhl 2000 hra panzer general hra park city hra pat mat hra pharaoh hra pharaoh puzzle hra Pinball hra pinball hra pitfall hra Prehistorik hra prehistorik hra prehistorik man hra pro dva hra project igi hra puzzle hra Quake hra quake hra rayman hra Revolt hra revolt hra revolt moto hra roller coaster tycoon hra sex hra simcity hra solitare hra spider man hra spider man movie hra spider solitaire hra spiro hra spiro legend hra star wars hra star wars racer hra tenis hra tennis hra tetris hra track and field hra track mania hra tycoon hra tycoon deluxe hra tycoon transport hra ugh hra vice city hra warcraft hra zoo hra zoo empire hra Zoo Tycoon hra zoo tycoon hra zum zum hra zuma hra zuma delux hra zuma deluxe hra zuma lux hra zuma luxe hra zuna hri hru Hugo hugo hugo agent hugo food hugo food fight hugo hra hugo hra (31) Hugo III Jungle Doom hugo iii jungle doom hugo jungle Hulk hulk hulk crack humans hunter challenge chaos charlie charlie duck Charlie the Duck charlie the duck chase ace chees chess chess master chess master 3000 Chessmaster chessmaster chessmaster 10th edition chessmaster 2000 chessmaster 3000 chessmaster edition chex quest chicago chicken chicken chase chicken invader chicken invaders chicken invaders crack chicken invaders christmas edition chicken invaders iii chicken invaders revenge yolk chicken little crack chicken shoot chicken tournament chopper christmas challenge chrono chuck chuck yager chuck yeager chuck yeager air combat chuckie egg ice ice age ice cream ice hockey ice kombat ice towe ice tower ice town ice wind dale iceman ici tower igi igi covert strike igi project ignition ii: battle over the pacific ikari ikari warriors immortal cities imperial glory imperium imperium galactica imperium galactica iii imperium romanum inca ball inca quest incredible incredible machine incredible machines incredible toon indian jones indian jones and infernal machine indiana indiana jones indiana jones and fate atlantis indiana jones and the fate atlantis indiana jones and the infernal machine indiana jones hra indy car indycar Infernal infinity flight ink ball interceptor international karate international soccer interstate invasion iron man crack iron man the game iron storm ishar island mini golf isle jack bond jack jazz Jack Jazz rabbit jack jazz rabbit Jack Jazz rabbit (2) jack jazz rabbit (2) Jack Rabbit jack rabbit jackrabbit jagged Jagged Alliance jagged alliance James james bond james bond 007 james bond golden eye james hotel james hotel famil james hotel family hero james pond James Pond Codename RoboCod james pond codename robocod jane hotel Jaw Jazz jazz jazz hra Jazz Jack jazz jack Jazz Jack Rabbit Jazz jack rabbit jazz jack rabbit jazz jack rabbits Jazz Jackrabbit jazz jackrabbit Jazz Jackrabbit CD-ROM jazz jackrabbit cd-rom jazz jackrabbit holiday jazz jackrabbit holiday hare jazz jackrabbit holiday hare 1995 Jazz Jackrabbit hra jazz jackrabbit hra Jazz Jackrabbit Christmas Edition jazz jackrabbit christmas edition Jazz rabbit jazz rabbit jedi knight hra jedi power battles jericho jericho crack jet guns jet pack jet strike jetfighter iii jetpack Jets jetstrike jewel jewel atlantis jewel guest jewel guest iii jewel match crack Jewel Quest jewel quest jewel quest crack jewel quest iii jewel quest solitaire Jewel Quest2 jewel quest2 Jewels jewels jewels adve jewels adventure jigsaw jigsaw mania pro crack jigsaw puzzle jill jill the jungle joan arc john John arc john deer john deer american farmer jonah lomu jonah lomu rugby jones jong jump free running Jumpjet jungle jungle book jungle speed Jungle strike jungle strike jurassic park jurassic park builder jurassic park dino defender Jurassic War jurassic war kal duty karate karateka keen keeper ken key call duty key castle strike key code need for speed key d-day key fifa key kings bounty the legend key need for speed under ground key need for speed underground key rally trophy killer tank king kong king kong crack king off the road king road king sex city king the road king the road crack kingdom magic kings bounty kings bounty crack kings bounty legend crack kings bounty the legend kings bounty the legend key kings quest quest for the crown kknd kknd hra knight rider knight rider the game knight shift knight the xentar knights the sky knights xentar knights xentar hra korea krush kill destroy Krypton Egg krypton egg kun kung master kung panda kwik snax Kyrandia kyrandia kyrandia legend l.a. rush l.a. rush crack labyrinth time land lands lands lore larry larry love for sail las vegas las vegas casino las vegas night las vegas nights laser light laser tank last last vikings league legends legend faerghail legend hand god Legend Kyrandia legend kyrandia legend kyrandia iii legend kyrandia the hand fate legend the kyrandia legends kyrandia legends might and magic leisure leisure suit larry Lemmings lemmings lemmings 1994 lemmings revolution lets ride level lhx lhx attack chopper lie spy lie spy hra liero liero extreme life for speed line age line ride line rider line rider beta lines lines color lines game lines hra links links extreme lio king lion lion king lion king game lion king hra lion king, the litil divil littl little big adventure little fighter little fighter 2.0 live city live city deluxe live for speed load runner lock lock air combat simulation lock modern air combat lock on: air lock on: air combat simulator lock on: modern air combat loco mania Locomotion locomotion locomotion tycoon lod lode lode runner logical lombard rac rally london 1969 long haul longbow loom lord rings middle for crack lord the ring lord the ring conquest crack lord the ring return king crack lord the rings lord the rings battle for middle earth lord the rings battle for middle earth crack lords lords chaos lords the realm lords the rising sun lost bubble lost jewels mach puzzle lost machine lost planet lost tales lost vikings lotus lotus smart suite lunar command lux lux delux lux deluxe luxe ski jump m.a.x. M.A.X.: Mechanized Assault and Exploration m.a.x.: mechanized assault and exploration madden 2000 madden nfl madden nfl demo madnes monster madness madness combat madness combat interactive game madness combat mod madness interactive magic ball magic ball crack Magic Carpet magic carpet Magic Carpet The Netherworlds magic carpet the netherworlds magic encyclopedia magic encyclopedia illusions magic farm magic farm hra magic farmer magic game magic games magic kards magic mahjong magic mach magic math adventures magic match magic match adventures magic pen mah jong mah jong 2000 Mah Jong Dragon mah jong dragon mah jong quest mah jong solitaire mah jongg mah jongg solitaire mahj mahj hra mahjon Mahjong mahjong Mahjong Ancient China mahjong ancient china mahjong cafe mahjong deluxe mahjong elite mahjong epic mahjong escape mahjong escape anci china Mahjong Escape Ancient China mahjong escape ancient china mahjong escape ancient japan mahjong forever mahjong hra Mahjong China mahjong china mahjong mach mahjong match mahjong quest mahjong quest iii mahjong sex Mahjong Shanghai mahjong shanghai mahjong solitare mahjong titan mahjong tower mach air combat mach jong mach jong 2000 Machine machine machine games machine mania machines machines box make malcolm mall Mall Tycoon mall tycoon man man hunter manager manager tennis manhunt manhunter manchester united Manchester United Club Football manchester united club football mania maniac miner manic Manic Karts manic karts Manic Miner manic miner marble buster marble cannon marble drob marble madnes marble madness marble maze marble saga marble saga dowland marble solitaire marine marine mania marine park empire Mario mario mario adventure Mario and Luigi mario and luigi mario dowland mario flash mario for ever mario forever Mario game mario game Mario Games mario games Mario hra mario hra mario hra mahjong mario hri mario island mario kart Mario Luigi mario luigi mario mansion mario smash footbal mario smash football mario south park mario super mario teaches typing mario tetris mario world maroo mass effect mass effect crack master orion Master Orion Battle Antares master orion battle antares Master Orion II: Battle Antares master orion ii: battle antares master rallye master the skies math rescue Matchup matrix matrix game matrix hra matrix pat neo matrix path neo mayhem crack mdk medieval medieval lord medieval lords mega drive mega man mega man nes mega mania megarace mech mech warrior mechanized assault and exploration mechanized assault exploration mechwar MechWarrior mechwarrior mechwarrior 31st century combat mercenaries metal gear metal slug metal smash pinball hra miami night Miami Nights miami nights micro counterstrike micro machine micro machines micro machines crack microprose soccer microsoft casino microsoft combat flight simulator microsoft combat flight simulator f-15 microsoft flight simulator microsoft fly simulator microsoft power point microsoft rail simulator Microsoft Train Simulator microsoft train simulator microsoft word midnight midnight bowling midnight casino midnight club midnight darts midnight pool midnight racing mig alley migh and magic migh and magic crack might might and magic might and magic complete might and magic heroes iii might and magic iii complete might and magic iv: clouds xeen might and magic vii might and magic vii crack mine craft Miner miner mini golf mini golf castle mini golf castles mini ninja mini warriors mission mission impossible mod modern air combat Modern Air Combat Microsoft Flight Simulator modern air combat microsoft flight simulator Monopoly monopoly monopoly bank monopoly city Monopoly Tycoon monopoly tycoon monopoly world monopoly world edition monster monster bash monster buster club monster jam monster pet montezuma montezuma hra moon tycoon more lemmings morta kombat mortal Mortal Combat mortal combat mortal combat hra mortal combat trilogy mortal komba trilogy Mortal Kombat mortal kombat mortal kombat armageddon mortal kombat armageddon demo Mortal Kombat Gold mortal kombat gold Mortal Kombat hra mortal kombat hra mortal kombat iii mortal kombat trilogy MOT moto moto crack moto cros moto cross moto racer moto racer crack moto racer gold edition moto racer gold edition crack motocros motocros madnes motocros madness motocros mania motocros the force Motocross motocross motocross madnes motocross madness motocross madness crack motocross madness trial motocross mania motor motor city mount and blade mount blade mouth moves shoot mpc star ms- dos doom MS-DOS ms-dos murder death kill mutant mvp baseball mystery mystery case mystery case files mystery cruise mystery legends mystery museum mystery solitaire Mystery Solitaire Secret Island mystery solitaire secret island mystery solitare mystery solitare secret island mystery ville mystic towers myth napoleon nas nascar nascar 1999 nascar 2000 nascar demo nascar racing nascar racing 1994 nascar sim racing nba nba 2000 nba crack NBA Jam nba jam nba live nba live 2000 nba live crack nba smash nba street NDS nds nds format video ned for ned for speed ned for speed 2000 ned for speed hot pursuit ned for speed key ned for speed most ned for speed most crack ned for speed pro street ned for speed pro street crack ned for speed undercover ned for speed undercover crack ned for speed undercover demo ned for speed undercover key ned for speed underground ned for speed underground code ned for speed underground crack ned for spid ned for spide ned ford spid ned speed nee for speed undercover nee for speed undercover crack need need for need for drift need for madnes need for madness Need for Speed need for speed need for speed 1994 need for speed combat need for speed crac need for speed crack need for speed dowland need for speed drift need for speed format nes need for speed hort pursuit need for speed hot Need for speed Hot Pursuit need for speed hot pursuit need for speed hot pursuit crack need for speed hot pursuit limited edition need for speed ii: special edition Need for speed III need for speed iii need for speed most crack need for speed pro street need for speed pro street crack need for speed racing need for speed road need for speed road and track need for speed road challenge need for speed shift need for speed street need for speed under ground need for speed undercover need for speed undercover crack need for speed undercover demo need for speed undercover dowland need for speed undercover key need for speed undergroun need for speed undergroun Need for Speed Underground need for speed underground need for speed underground crack need for speed underground full need for speed world hack need for spid need ford speed need fore speed need four speed need speed underground need tor speed undercover need tor speed underground crack neo geo neptun neptun secret nes nes tetris net NetWars netwars neuro hunter crack neuro hunter key neverwinter night Neverwinter Nights neverwinter nights new for speed new robinson new star soccer new world order new york city new york city night hra new york city nights new york nigh new york night New York nights new york nights new york race nfl NHL nhl nhl 1992 demo nhl 1993 nhl 1995 nhl 1996 nhl 1999 nhl 200 NHL 2000 nhl 2000 nhl 2000 crack nhl crack nhl demo nhl serie nibbles night night life night life crack night watch night watch crack nightmare creature nightmare elm street ninja ninja fruit noid Normality normality north american farmer nts nuclear ball nuclear strike oblivion oblivion crack oblivion demo oblivion hra ocean express odyssey car off road arena oil empire oil tycoon olympic olympic games one must fall oni open sea son open transport tycoon open transport tycoon deluxe operatio flash point operation flash point operation mania orbiter original war original war crack over speed overlord overlord crack Pac man pac man pac man world pac mania pac manic pac- man Pac-Man pac-man pac-man world paci pacific Pacific Air War pacific air war pacific fighter pacific fighters pacific fighters crack pacific general pacific heroes pacific heroes crack pacific storm pacific warriors pacific warriors crack pagan pandora pandora box pandora box game Pantheon pantheon panzer panzer command panzer commander panzer elite action panzer front panzer genera panzer general panzer general assault panzer general crack panzer general full panzer tactic paradise paradise quest Paranoia paranoia paris paris dakar paris dakar game paris night paris nights paris-dakar rally park park city park tycoon passage passage christmas passage christmas edition pat mat pat mat game path neo patrician pec penguins penguins journey per pes pet hop pet racer pet soccer pga pha Pharao pharao Pharaoh pharaoh pharaoh gold pharaoh puzzle phobia piano picture lines pilot pin ball pin ball hra pin pong pinbal pinbal fantasy Pinball pinball pinball fantasi pinball fantasy Pinball hra pinball hra pinball hra line pinball illusions pinball space ping pong pirates pirates the caribbean pirates the caribbean worlds end pitfal Pitfall pitfall pix word pizza pizza tycoon plan verze call duty plane plane arcade plane arcade air conflict planet zoo platoon play boy play madnes monster park play magic encyclopedia play mahjong forever play man play man extreme play men extreme play monster park madness play project igi play station pocket point pok pol polic simulator key police polo poly bridge poly pocket pool pool came pool game pop superstar pop superstar nights populous por porn porn manager porn stars porn wars Port Royal port royal Port Royale port royale port royale crack ports call pos power power games power point power point 2000 power rangers power rangers mystic force power rangers super legends pre historik predator prehist prehisto prehistor Prehistorik prehistorik Prehistorik hra prehistorik hra prehistorik man Prehistorik Park prehistorik park prehistorik zoo premier manager primal primal carnage primal rage princ princ persia Prince prince Prince Persia prince persia prince persia 1990 prince persia classic prince persia crack prince persia dos prince persia hra prince persia sand time prince persia the warrior within prince persia trilogy prince persia warrior within prince persia warrior within crack prince sand time princess maker prison break Prison Tycoon prison tycoon private private gold privateer pro pro beach soccer pro evolution soccer pro evolution soccer hra Pro Pinball Trilogy pro pinball trilogy pro skater pro street pro train perfect project igi project igi cover strike project igi covert strike project igi crack project zero projekt igi prototype psi ops psycho circus psycho circus pinball punisher pure pure crack pure pinbal purple place push push box put put put put put moon put put saves zoo put put the zoo put put zoo put the moon put the zoo put zoo putt putt putt putt putt zoo putt-putt putt-putt goes the moon putt-putt saves the zoo puzzl Puzzle puzzle Puzzle Bobble puzzle bobble puzzle hero puzzle hra puzzle quest pyramid solitare pyro pyro sand game quadra pop quak Quake quake quake arena quake arena crack quake arena demo quake crack quake iii Quake III Arena quake iii arena quake iii arena crack quare arena iii quest for glory Rabbit rabbit race race crack race into space racer racing racing evolution rage war ragnarok raide rail road tycoon Rail Simulator rail simulator rail simulator crack rail simulator key rail tycoon railroad lines Railroad Tycoon railroad tycoon demo railroad tycoon gold edition railroads ralie Rally rally rally 2000 rally 2000 championship rally dakar rally extreme Rally hra rally hra rally champions extreme rally champions chip rally championship rally championship 1999 rally championship 2000 rally championship 2000 crack Rally Championship Extreme rally championship extreme rally championship treme Rally Championship Xtreme rally championship xtreme rally championship xtreme crack rally master pro rally paris rally paris dakar rally stars rally trophy rallye rallye champions rambo rangers Raptor raptor rats raven squad raw ray man Rayman rayman rayman advance rayman hra rayman the great escape re- volt re- volt crack ready rumble boxing reach for the stars real boxing real flight real footbal real footbal manager real football real football manager real racing real steel world robot boxing real war Realms Arkania Red Alert red alert red alert crack red alert key red alter red baron red bull red ocean red ocean crack red shark red shark crack reda alert redneck Redneck Rampage redneck rampage renegade residen evil resident Resident Evil Resident evil resident evil resident evil crack resident evil hra resident evil nemesis resident evil nemesis game resident evil the mission resident evil the missions ret ret alert retal retal ocean retaliator return castle wolfenstei return castle wolfenstein return castle wolfenstein crack return fire return the castle wolfenstein return the castle wolfenstein crack return the incredible machine Revenge revol revol hra revolt revolt crack revolt hra revolt moto rex Rig roll rise and fall rise atlantic rise atlantis rise nation rise nation key rise nations rise nations crack rise the atlantis rise the triad rise the triad: dark war rising rising kingdoms crack risk road and track road construction simulator road quiz road rush robbo robin robin hod Robin Hood robin hood robin hood hra robin hood the legend robinson robo arena robo sex lab robocop robot robots rock ages rock blaster roco rogue spear rogue trooper roll caster roll caster tycoon roll coaster rush roll coaster tycoon roller roller caster roller caster tycoon roller coaster Roller Coaster Rush roller coaster rush roller coaster tycoo Roller Coaster Tycoon roller coaster tycoon roller coaster tycoon crack roller coaster tycoon deluxe roller coaster tycoon deluxe crack roller coaster tycoon demo roller coaster tycoon key roller coaster tycoon wild roller coaster tycoon wild crack roller rush Roma roma puzzle Roman romanum imperium Rome Rome Puzzle rome puzzle Rome Puzzle hra rome puzzle hra royal royal caster tycoon Royal Tycoon royal tycoon rpg rpg retal rps rugby rule the rail rule the train runner rush for berlin rush hour russian car simulator russian traffic simulator game saboteur Sacred sacred sacred crack sacred god sacred gold sacred gold crack Sacred Lands sacred plus sacred plus crack saga rally sail sail simulator sailing sam and max sam doma samurai san san angels santa trouble satu savage savage dowland save saves zoo saw scat scate scoo doo scorch scrabble scramble screamer screamer 4x4 sea seal hunter search and rescue season season mach Season Match season match secret secret agent man sensible sensible soccer sensible word soccer sensible world soccer serf serf city settler settler crack settler don Settlers settlers settlers 10th anniversary settlers crack settlers crack her settlers demo settlers gold settlers ii: 10th anniversary settlers iii settlers veni, vidi, vici settlers viking Seven Kingdoms seven kingdoms seventh guest sex sex animal sex animal porn sex mahjong sex machine sex porn sex video seznam her seznam her pro atari shade shade crack shadow man shadow man hra shadow ops shadow warrior shang hai shang hei Shanghai shanghai Shanghai Dynasty shanghai dynasty shanghai dynasty mahjong shanghai mahjong sherlock sherlock holmes sherlock holmes crack shinobi ship simulator school school tycoon side side lama silen hanter silen hunter demo silent bomber silent hanter silent heroes Silent hill silent hill silent hill crack silent hill demo silent hunte crack silent hunter silent hunter crack silent hunter demo Silent Hunter III silent hunter iii silent service silver sim Sim Babe sim babe Sim Baby sim baby sim citi Sim city sim city sim city 1000 sim city 1989 sim city 200 sim city 2000 Sim City 3000 Sim city 3000 sim city 3000 sim city 3000 crack sim city 4000 sim city deluxe sim copter sim farm sim girl sim girls sim tower sim tractor sim tractor 4.0 sim tractor crack sim tractor v4.0 sim tractors simcity simcity 2000 SimCity 3000 simcity 3000 simcity 3000 crack simcity 4000 simcity crack simcity deluxe simfarm simon the sorcerer simps simpson simpson hit and run simpsons simpsons game simpsons hit and run simpsons hit and rut simpsons hit run simpsons movie simpsons the game simu farm simulator simulator aut simulator bus simulator cars simulator condor simulator helicopter simulator hind sin city sin city 3000 sin episodes Sin tractor sin tractor sins skate skate boy ski ski die ski jump Ski Jump Deluxe ski jump deluxe ski jump challenge ski jump luxe ski park ski park manager ski racing ski resort tycoon skulls skulls the toltecs skulls toltecs skunny skunny cart sky sky defender sky jump deluxe sky shark slave zero slid lama slide Slide lama slide lama slide lama delux slide lama deluxe slide lama lama slide lama luxe Snake snake snake best the best championship karate snake iii snake revol snooker snow soccer soccer manager soccer manager wizard games scotland (1992) sof soldiers soli soli tare solitair Solitaire solitaire solitar solitare solitare haven solitare luxe solitare plus sorce soul blade soul calibur south park south park mario south park rally spa mania space space colony space impact space pinball space ranger space rangers space siege crack spec ops speed speed demons speed hack speed haste speed racer speed racing speedstrip interactive spell force spell force crack spellcro spellcros spellcros crack Spellcross spellcross spellcross crack spide man spide solitaire spider spider -man hra Spider Man spider man spider man demo Spider man hra spider man hra spider man hru spider man rescue spider man the movie spider solit spider solitair Spider Solitaire spider solitaire Spider Solitare spider solitare spider- man spider-man spider-man crack spider-man demo spider-man hra spider-man movie spider-man the game spin and win spirit speed spiro spiro red dragon sport sports boxing spy spyder solitair Squash sta stalker stalker crack stalker shadow stalker shadow off star craft star craft blood war star defender star trek Star Trek Armada star trek armada star trek armada crack star trek legacy star trek: armada star trek: tactical assault star war star ward star wars star wars bounty hunter star wars crack star wars demo star wars empire war star wars empire war crack star wars episode star wars episode iii star wars episode racer star wars final war star wars force commander star wars force unleashed star wars galactic battle ground star wars hri star wars challenge star wars chess star wars jedi knight star wars jedi power battles star wars phantom menace star wars racer star wars the force unleashed star wars the force unleashed demo star wars the phantom the menace star wars the videogame star wars: Star Wars: Empire War star wars: empire war Star Wars: Episode Racer star wars: episode racer star wars: episode the phantom menace star wars: racers star wars: the force unleashed star was stars wars stat war stat wars state war state war crack steel across america steel beast simulator tank stone str strategic command stratego street street duel street fighter street fighter hra street fighters street footbal street soccer street wars stress strike ball strike eagle ii: operation desert storm stun sub command submarine submarine attack submarine commander Summer summer summer game Summer Games summer games summer games crack summer challenge super bomberman super bomberman hra super casino super jewel super luigi super mahjong Super Mari Super Mario super mario super mario brothers super mario final super mario flash super mario forever super mario galaxy Super Mario Games super mario games super mario games free Super Mario hra super mario hra super mario land Super Mario war super mario war super mario world flash super sex super zuma syn city system rush system shock table tenis table tennis tactcom tactical ops take tan tank tank ace tank combat tank force tank ms-dos tank platoon tank war ms-dos tank wars team fortress tee wars tek Tenis tenis tenis hra tenis manager tenis master series Tennis tennis tennis manager Tennis Master tennis master tennis master series tentacle Terror terror terror from the deep test drive test drive crack test drive demo test drive duel test drive mans test drive the duel Test Drive Unlimited test drive unlimited test drive unlimited crack test drive unlimited demo test drive unlimited key test driver test driver unlimited test driver unlimited crack Tetris tetris tetris 3000 tetris 5000 tetris blockout the 7th guest the adventures tintin the arena elder scrolls the armageddon machine the atlantis the atlantis rise the atlantis the lost tales the battle for middle eart the battle for middle earth the battle for middle earth crack the battle for the middle earth crack The Big Red Racing the big red racing the blues brothers the car the cars the cars demo the city lost heaven the club crack the colony wars the curse enchantia the curse montezuma the cycles international grand prix racing the dame was loaded the dark legions the elder scrolls the elder scrolls daggerfall The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion the elder scrolls iv: oblivion the elder scrolls oblivion the elder scrolls oblivion crack the elevator the farm the farmer the farmer simulator the fly the game body blows the ghost the gladiators the godfather the godfather crack the godfather demo the godfather hra the godfather the game the graphic adventure the guild crack the heat war the horde the hulk the humans the chaos engine the chessmaster the incredible the incredible hulk the incredible hulk crack The Incredible Machine the incredible machine the incredible machines the island castaway the jungle book the kings bounty the last express the last vikings The Legend Kyrandia the Legend Kyrandia the legend kyrandia the legend kyrandia iii the legend the golden tome the legend the kyrandia the lion king the lion king hra the lord the rings battle for middle earth the lord the rings battle for middle earth crack the lord the rings battle for middle earth demo the lord the rings conquest the lord the rings return the king the lost case sherlock holmes the lost files sherlock holmes The Lost Vikings the lost vikings the mahjong titan the matrix path neo the moon project the movie the movies the movies crack the nations the need for speed the never hood the phantom menace the punisher the punisher crack the punisher demo the rage The Rise Atlantis the rise atlantis the rise atlantis geme the royal marines commando the russian combat helicopter the seal hunter the settler the settlers the settlers 10th anniversary the settlers 10th anniversary crack the settlers 10th anniversary the vikings the settlers crack the settlers gold the settlers ii: 10th anniversary crack The Settlers II: 10th Anniversary The Vikings the settlers ii: 10th anniversary the vikings the settlers ii: veni, vidi, vici the settlers iii the settlers rise empire crack the sim tractor the sim tractor key the simcity the simis the simps The Simpson game the simpson game the simpson hit and run the simpson hit and run crack the simpsons The Simpsons Game the simpsons game the simpsons hit and run the simpsons hit and run crack the simpsons hit run the simpsons movie the summer edition games the summer game the summer challenge games the thing the tim incredible machines the titan quest the titan quest crack the treasure montezuma crack the typing dead the typing the dead the winter challenge games the year old virgin Thief thief thief deadly shadow dowland Thing Thing Arena thunder brigade tche hunter tiger woods tim tim demo time commando time ride time shift time shift crack tin can race Tintin tintin tintin destination adventure tiny toon titan titan guest Titan quest titan quest titan quest crack titan quest immortal throne Titanic titanic titanic simulato titanic simulator toltecs tom hawk pro skater tom raider tom raider anniversary tom raider chronicles tom raider legend tom rider Tomb tomb tomb anniversary raider Tomb Raider tomb raider tomb raider (1996) Tomb Raider Anniversary tomb raider anniversary tomb raider anniversary crack tomb raider crack tomb raider demo tomb raider gold tomb raider chronicle tomb raider chronicles Tomb Raider Legend tomb raider legend tomb raider legend crack tomb raider original tomb raider the tomb raider the last revelation tomb raider under world tomb ride legend tomb rider tomb rider anniversary tomb rider crack tomb rider game tomb rider legend tomb rider legend crack tomcat dogfight tome rider toon car toon quad top spin top spin crack tou tower tower assault tower simulator trac mania Track Track mania track mania track mania forever track mania hra track mania nation forever track mania nations track mania nations forever track mania original track mania united track mania united forever track motor track simulator tractor race tractor racer tractor simulation tractor simulator tractor studio traffic traffic city traffic city demo trai simulator Train train train driver train games Train Simulator train simulator train simulator 2000 train simulator demo Train Tycoon train Tycoon train tycoon trainer transport tycoon deluxe trans transport delux transport deluxe Transport Tycoon transport tycoon transport tycoon (deluxe) transport tycoon 1994 transport tycoon crack transport tycoon delux Transport Tycoon Deluxe transport tycoon deluxe transport tycoon deluxe crack transport tycoon hra transport tycoon lux transport tycoon luxe treasure treasure hunter treasure towers tree tri skulls trial trial madnes trial mania trial moto Trick trophy hunter trophy rally true crime true crime new york city true love ttlers turbo fly turbo gold turbo pizza turbo pizza crack turbo pizza key turbo play turning point crack Two worlds two worlds two worlds crack Tycoo Tycoon tycoon tycoon airline tycoon casino tycoon city tycoon city crack tycoon city nev york tycoon city new york tycoon city: new york tycoon crack tycoon deluxe tycoon dowland tycoon pizza tycoon railroad tycoon roller coaster tycoon train tycoon transport tycoon transport delux tycoon transport deluxe tycoon transport luxe tycoon zoo typing the death ugh ugh hra ultima pagan ultimat street football ultimate epic battle simulator ultimate fighting championship ultimate spider-man crack ultimate street football underground unleashed urban chaos vegas casino venice mystery vga video sex viking vikings vin war virtua cop virtua farm virtua fighter virtua tenis virtua tennis virtua tennis crack virtua tennis challenge virtual virtual animal virtual battle space virtual bus virtual cop virtual dog virtual farm virtual farmer virtual fighter virtual tenis virtual tenis hra virtual tennis vit volley volleyball volt wall wall hack war craft war craft word war gods war chees war chess war chess crack war inc war lords war rock war russia war terror crack warcraf Warcraft warcraft warcraft (crack) warcraft complete (crack) warcraft crack warcraft demo craft Warcraft III warcraft iii warcraft iii crack warcraft iii demo craft warcraft orc and humans warcraft word warrior kings warrior rats Wars wars 2492 water bugs wels the convoy wheel wheel steel across america wheel steel convoy wik wild west wild west quest wildlife park wildlife zoo wing ganja farmer gary wings europe wings over europe wings war crack winter winter game winter games winter challenge wizard wizard land Wolf wolf wolf guest wolf hra wolf moon wolf pack wolf quest wolf quest deluxe wolf quest midnight pass wolf stein Wolfenstein wolfenstein wolfenstein castle wolfenstein crack wolfenstein return castle wolfenstein return the castle wonder wonder boy wonder zoo wonderland Wonderland Adventures wonderland adventures Wor word word city word craft word grand prix word war zero word warcraft world world boxing world conflict world grand prix World Racing world racing world racing crack world racing manager world soccer World war world war craft world warcraft world warcraft (crack) worm worm armageddon worm wars wrestle mania x-wing x-wing tie fighter xentar xtreme Yeager yeager yet sports you farm zero abuse accordion ace ace air combat emulator zero gear zero hour zombie zombie blood zombie games zombie harvester rush zombie killer zombie tsunami zombies zoo zoo city zoo crack zoo dinosaur zoo empire zoo empire crack zoo keeper zoo marine mania zoo tycoo zoo tycoo pack Zoo Tycoon zoo Tycoon zoo tycoon zoo tycoon (pc) zoo tycoon african adventure zoo tycoon city zoo tycoon complete zoo tycoon complete collection zoo tycoon complete collection zoo tycoon complete collection crack zoo tycoon complete edition zoo tycoon crack zoo tycoon demo zoo tycoon dino zoo tycoon dino danger zoo tycoon dino danger pack zoo tycoon dino danger pack dowland zoo tycoon dino park zoo tycoon dinosaur zoo tycoon dowland zoo tycoon jurassic park zoo tycoon keeper collection zoo Tycoon Marine Mania zoo tycoon marine mania zoo tycoon marine mania crack zoo tycoon marine maria zoo tycoon rack zum zum zuma zuma 688 zuma atlantis zuma atlantis hra zuma crack zuma delux zuma Deluxe zuma deluxe zuma deluxe hra zuma hra zuma luxe zuma star wars zume deluxe zuna zuna delux zuna Deluxe zuna deluxe
- 1–0 Soccer Manager – Wizard Games of Scotland (1992)
- 1 Ton – Martin Magnusson (1996)
- 3D Body Adventure – Knowledge Adventure (1994)
- 3-Demon – PC Research inc. (1983)
- 3-D Helicopter Simulator – Sierra On-Line (1987)
- 3D Lemmings Winterland – Psygnosis Limited (1995)
- 3D Pitfall – J. Shramko (1995)
- 3D Virtual Studio – Domark (1991)
- 3D World Boxing – Simulmondo
- 3 Point Basketball – MVP Software (1993)
- 3 Skulls of the Toltecs – Midway Games West (1996)
- 4D Prince of Persia – Terebilov K.A (1994)
- 4D Sports Boxing – Electronic Arts (1991)
- 4D Sports Tennis – Mindscape (1990)
- 4th & Inches – Accolade (1988)
- 4×4 Off-Road Racing – Epyx (1988)
- 5th Fleet – Avalon Hill (1994)
- 5X – SpeedStrip Interactive (2000)
- 007 – License to Kill – Domark (1989)
- 7 Colors – Atari Europe (1989)
- 7th Guest, The – Virgin Games (1992)
- 10th Frame Bowling – Access Software (1987)
- 11th Hour, The – Virgin Interactive Entertainment (1995)
- 50 Mission Crush – Strategic Simulations (1984)
- 221B Baker Street – Datasoft (1987)
- 688 Attack Sub – Electronic Arts (1989)
- 1000 Miglia – Simulmondo (1992)
- 1830 – Railroads and Robber Barons – Avalon Hill (1995)
- 1869 – Max Design GesMBH (1992)
- 1942 – The Pacific Air War – MicroProse Software (1994)
- 2400 AD – Orogin Systems (1988)
- 8088 Othello – M. W. Bayley (1985)
- 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea – Coktel Vision (1988)
- A Line in the Sand
- A-10 Tank Killer
- A320 Airbus
- Abandoned Places – A Time for Heroes
- ABC Monday Night Football
- ABC Wide World of Sports Boxing
- Aber Hallo!
- Abrams Battle Tank
- A Brief Tryst
- Absolute Pinball
- Absolute Zero
- Abuse
- Accordion
- ACE 2
- ACE – Air Combat Emulator
- Ace of Aces
- Aces of the Deep
- Aces of the Deep Expansion Disk
- Aces of the Pacific
- Aces Over Europe
- Acheton
- Acid Tetris
- AckAck
- Across the Rhine
- Action Fighter
- Action in the North Atlantic
- Action Soccer
- Action Stations
- Actua Soccer
- Actua Soccer Club Edition
- Advanced Civilization
- Advanced NetWars
- Advantage Tennis
- Adventure Construction Set
- Adventures in Math
- Adventures of Captain Comic, The
- Adventures of Maddog Williams in the Dungeons of Duridian, The
- Adventures of Melvin Freebush, The
- Adventures of Robbo, The
- Adventures of Robin Hood, The
- Adventures of Tintin, The – Prisoners of the Sun
- Adventures of Willy Beamish, The
- AEGIS – Guardian of the Fleet
- Aethra Chronicles
- After Burner I
- After Burner II
- Afterlife
- Aftershock for Quake
- After the War
- A.G.E.
- Air
- Airball
- Airborne Ranger
- Air Bucks
- Air Duel – 80 Years of Dogfighting
- Air Force Commander
- Air Power
- Airstrike USA
- Albion
- Alcatraz
- Aldo's Adventure
- Alfred Pelrock
- ALF's Thinking Skills
- ALF's U.S. Geography
- ALF – The First Adventure
- Alice in Wonderland
- Alien
- Alien Attack
- Alien Breed
- Alien Breed – Tower Assault
- Alien Cabal
- Alien Carnage
- Alien Fires – 2199 AD
- Alien Incident
- Alien Legacy
- Alien Logic
- Alien Odyssey
- Alien Olympics
- Alien Phobia
- Alien Rampage
- Aliens – A Comic Book Adventure
- Alien Syndrome
- Alien Trilogy
- Alien Virus
- Alien Worlds
- Allan Border's Cricket
- All New Family Feud, The
- Alone in the Dark
- Alone in the Dark 2
- Alone in the Dark 3
- AlphaMan
- Alpha Storm
- Al-Qadim – The Genie's Curse
- Alshark
- Altered Beast
- Altered Destiny
- Alter Ego
- Alternate Reality – The City
- Amarallo Slim Dealer's Choice
- Amazing Spider-Man, The
- Amazon (hra)
- Amazon – Guardians of Eden
- Amazon Trail, The
- Amberstar
- Ambivalenz – Niritsu Haihan
- Ambush at Sorinor
- American Challenge, The – A Sailing Simulation
- American Gladiators
- American Sign Language Tutor
- A Mind Forever Voyaging
- Amok
- Amulet of Yendor
- Amulets and Armor
- Amy's Fantasies
- Anacreon – Reconstruction 4021
- An American Tail
- Anchorhead
- Ancient Art of War, The
- Ancient Art of War at Sea, The
- Ancient Art of War in the Skies, The
- Ancient Domains of Mystery
- Ancients 1 – Deathwatch
- Andromeda Conquest
- Andromedas Erbe
- Angband
- Angel Devoid – Face of the Enemy
- Angel Nieto Pole 5000
- Angst – Rahz's Revenge
- A Nightmare on Elm Street
- Animal Math
- Animal Quest
- Annals of Rome
- Anna's Gram
- Antagony
- Antix
- Ant Run
- Anvil of Dawn
- Apache
- A.P.B.
- Aquanoid
- Arachnophobia
- Arcade Fruit Machine
- Arcade Pool
- Arcade Volleyball
- Archimedean Dynasty
- Archipelagos
- Archon Ultra
- Arctic Adventure
- Arcticfox
- Arctic Moves
- Arcy 2
- Are We There Yet?
- Are You Afraid of the Dark – The Tale of Orpheo's Curse
- Argo Checkers
- Arkanoid
- Arkanoid 2: Revenge of DOH
- Ark of Time
- Ar'Kritz the Intruder
- ARL 96
- Armada 2525
- Armaeth – The Lost Kingdom
- Armageddon Man
- Armor Alley
- Armored Fist
- Armour-Geddon
- Army Moves
- Arnie 2
- Aro
- Arthur – The Quest for Excalibur
- Artura
- Arya Vaiv
- Ascendancy
- Ashes of Empire
- Assault Rigs
- Asterix and the Magic Carpet
- Asterix – Operation Getafix
- Asteroid Smash
- Astro-Dodge
- Astro Fire
- Astronomy Quiz, The
- Astrotit
- A-Team, The
- Atlantis – The Lost Tales
- Atlas
- Atomino
- Atomix
- A-Train
- A-Train Construction Set
- Attack
- At the Carnival
- Aufschwung Ost
- Austerlitz
- Autoduel
- AV8B Harrier Assault
- Avalon The 3D Adventure Movie
- Avish!
- Avoid the Noid
- Awesome Earl in SkateRock
- Axia
- Azrael's Tear
- B-17 Flying Fortress
- B-1 Nuclear Bomber
- B-24
- Baal
- Baby Jo in „Going Home“
- Back to Baghdad
- Back to the Future Part II
- Back to the Future Part III
- Backyard, The
- Bad Blood
- Bad Dudes
- Bad Machine
- Bad Street Brawler
- Balance
- Balance of Power
- Balance of Power – The 1990 Edition
- Balance of the Planet
- Baldies
- Ballade for Maria
- Ball Blazing Fantasy
- Ball Breakers Corp.
- Ballgame 2
- Ball Game, The
- Ballistix
- Balloon Challenge
- Ballyhoo
- Bananoid
- Bandit Kings of Ancient China
- Bane of the Cosmic Forge
- Barbarian
- Barbarian II – Dungeons of Drax
- Barbie Super Model
- Bard's Tale, The
- Bard's Tale Construction Set, The
- Bard's Tale II, The – The Destiny Knight
- Bard's Tale III, The – Thief of Fate
- Bar Games
- Baryon
- Bargon Attack
- B.A.T.
- Batman – The Caped Crusader
- Batman – The Movie
- Batman Forever – The Arcade Game
- Batman Returns
- Bat'n'Ball
- Battle Arena Toshinden
- Battle Bugs
- Battle Cheese
- Battle Chess
- Battle Chess (MPC Verze)
- Battle Chess 4000
- Battle Chess II – Chinese Chess
- Battle Command
- Battle for Normandy
- Battlehawks 1942
- Battle Isle
- Battle Isle Data Disk I
- Battle Isle 2
- Battle Isle 2 Scenery CD – Titan's Legacy
- Battle Isle '93 – The Moon of Chromos
- Battle Master
- Battle of Antietam
- Battle of the Bulge, The – Tigers in the Snow
- Battlerace
- Battleship
- Battles in Time
- Battles of Destiny
- Battlespire, The Elder Scrolls Legends
- Battlesport
- Battle Stations
- Battlestorm
- BattleTech – The Crescent Hawk's Inception
- BattleTech – The Crescent Hawk's Revenge
- Bazooka Sue
- BC Racers
- Beast Within, The – A Gabriel Knight Mystery
- Beat the House
- Bedlam
- Beetlejuice in Skeletons in the Closet
- Beneath a Steel Sky
- Berenstain Bears, The – Learning at Home, Volume One
- Berlin Connection
- Bert and the Snake
- Best of the Best Championship Karate
- Betrayal
- Betayal at Krondor
- Beverly Hillbillies, The
- Beverly Hills Cop
- Beyond Columns
- Beyond the Black Hole
- Beyond the Meltdown
- Beyond the Tesseract
- Beyond the Titanic
- Beyond the Wall of Stars
- Beyond Zork – The Coconut of Quendor
- Bible Adventures
- Bifi 2 – Action in Hollywood
- Big Bug Bang – Le Retour de Commander Blood
- Big Business
- Big Red Adventure, The
- Big Red Racing
- Big Sea – The Better One Will Win
- Biing! – Sex, Intrigue and Scalpels
- Bill Elliot's NASCAR Challenge
- Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure
- Bioforge
- Biologica!
- Bio Menace
- Bionic Commando
- BipBop II
- Birds of Prey
- Birthright – Gorgon's Alliance
- Black Box
- Black Cauldron, The
- Blackjack
- Black Monday
- Black Sect
- Blackstar, Agent of Justice
- BlackThorne
- Blades of Steel
- Blade Warrior
- Blake Stone – Aliens of Gold
- Blake Stone – Planet Strike
- Blam! Machinehead
- Blast Chamber
- Blinky
- Blind Justice
- Blind Wars
- Blockage
- Block Five
- Blockout
- Blocks from Hell
- Blood
- Blood – Plasma Pak
- Blood Bowl
- Blood & Magic
- Blood Money
- BloodNet
- Bloodstone – An Epic Dwarven Tale
- Bloodwings – Pumpkinhead's Revenge
- Bloodwych
- Blue and the Gray, The
- Blue Angels – Formation Flight Simulation
- Blue Force- Tsunami Games
- Blue Ice
- Blue Max – Aces of the Great War
- Blues Brothers, The
- Blues Brothers, The – Jukebox Adventure
- Bobby Fischer Teaches Chess
- BoBo
- Body Blows
- Bodyworks Voyager – Mission in Anatomy
- Bolo Adventures I
- Bolo Adventures II
- Bolo Adventures III
- Bolo Ball
- Bomber
- Bomberman
- Bombuzal
- Bomb'X
- Boot Camp
- Bop'N Wrestle
- Boppin'
- Border Zone
- Boston Bomb Club
- Boulder Dash Construction Kit
- Bouncing Babies
- Boxer Rebellion
- Boxzum
- Braindead 13
- Brainies, The
- Bram Stoker's Dracula
- Brandish
- Brandish 2 – The Planet Buster
- Breach
- Breach 2
- Breach 3
- Breakers
- Breakfree
- Breakthru!
- Brett Hull Hockey 95
- Bricks
- Bridge Deluxe 2 with Omar Sharif
- Bridge Master
- Bridge Olympiad
- Brimstone
- Brix
- Bruce Lee
- Bruce Lee Lives – The Fall of Hong Kong Palace
- Brudal Baddle
- Brutal – Paws of Fury
- Brutal Sports Football
- Bubble Bobble
- Bubble Dizzy
- Bubble Ghost
- Buck Rogers – Countdown to Doomsday
- Buck Rogers – Matrix Cubed
- Budokan – The Martial Spirit
- Bugs Bunny Hare-Brained Adventure, The
- Bully's Sporting Darts
- Bumble Games
- Bumble Plot
- Bumpy's Arcade Fantasy
- Bundesliga Manager Professional
- Bunny Bricks
- Bureau 13
- Bureaucracy
- Burn – Cycle
- Burnout – Championship Drag Racing
- Burntime
- Bush Buck – Global Treasure Hunter
- Bushido
- Buzz Aldrin's Race into Space
- By Fire and Sword
- Cabal
- Cadaver
- Cadaver – The Payoff
- Cadillacs and Dinosaurs – The Second Cataclysm
- Caesar
- Caesar II
- California Games
- California Games II
- California Raisins, The
- Campaign
- Campaign II
- Cannon Fodder
- Cannon Fodder 2
- Capitalism
- Capitalism Plus
- Captain Bible – Special Edition
- Captain Blood
- Captain Comic II – Fractured Reality
- Captain Dynamo
- Captain Power and the Soldiers of the Future
- Captain Zins
- Captive
- Capture the Flag
- Car Builder
- Cardinal of the Kremlin, The
- Car & Driver
- Card Sharks
- Cargo Bay Deluxe
- Caribbean Disaster
- Carl Lewis Challenge, The
- Carlos Sainz
- Carmageddon
- Carmageddon Splat Pack
- Carnage
- Carrier Command
- Carriers at War
- Carriers at War II
- Carrier Strike
- Cartels and Cutthroats
- Cartooners
- CART Racing
- Case of the Cautious Condor, The
- Cash Invaders
- Casino Games
- Castaway – The Ordeal Begins
- Castle Adventure
- Castle Master
- Castle Master 2 – The Crypt
- Castle of Dr. Brain
- Castles
- Castles – The Northern Campaign
- Castles II – Siege & Conquest
- Castlevania
- Castle Wolfenstein
- Catacomb
- Catacomb 3D
- Catacomb Abyss, The
- Catch 'Em
- Catch 'Em
- Caveman Ugh-Lympics
- Cavequest
- Caverns of Kroz
- Caverns of Xaskazien
- Caverns of Zoarre
- Cavewars
- CD-Man
- C-Dogs
- Celtic Legends
- Celtic Tales – Balor of the Evil Eye
- Centerfold Squares
- Central Intelligence
- Centurion – Defender of Rome
- C.E.O.
- Chagunitzu
- Challenge of the Ancient Empires
- Challenge of the Five Realms
- Chamber of the Sci-Mutant Priestess
- Champ Centiped-em
- Championship Baseball
- Championship Manager
- Championship Manager 2
- Championship Manager 93/94
- Championship Manager 97/98
- Champions of Krynn
- Change Maker
- Chaos Angels
- Chaos Control
- Chaos Engine, The
- Charlie II
- Charlie the Duck
- Chase on Tom Sawyer's Island, The
- Cheesy Invaders
- Chess
- Chessmaster 2000
- Chessmaster 3000
- Chewy – Esc from F5
- Chex Quest
- Chex Quest 2
- Chicago 90
- Chickens
- Chickens 2
- Chinese Checkers
- Chip's Challenge
- Choy-Lee-Fut Kung-Fu Warrior
- Christmas Carnage
- Christmas Matchup
- Chronicles of the Sword
- Chronomaster
- Chrono Quest
- Chuckie Egg
- Chuck Yeager's Advanced Flight Trainer
- Chuck Yeager's Advanced Flight Trainer 2.0
- Chuck Yeager's Air Combat
- C.I.A. Adventure
- Circle of Blood
- Circuit's Edge
- Circus Attractions
- Cisco Heat
- City of Lost Children, The
- Civil War
- Civil War, The
- Clash of Steel – World War II, Europe 1939–1945
- Classic Concentration
- Classic Text Adventure Masterpieces *
- Clive Barker's Nightbreed – The Action Game
- Clive Barker's Nightbreed – The Interactive Movie
- Clockwiser – Time is Running Out
- Cloud Kingdoms
- Clue – Master Detective
- Clue, The
- Clyde's Adventure
- Clyde's Revenge
- Coaster
- Cobra Mission
- Code – Europe
- Codename – ICEMAN
- Cohort – Fighting for Rome
- Cohort II
- Cold War Warfare
- Colonel's Bequest, The
- Colony 28
- Colony, The
- Colony Wars 2492
- Colorado
- Color Buster
- Colored Lines
- Colossus Backgammon
- Colossus Bridge
- Colossus Chess
- Colossus Draughts
- Comanche 2
- Comanche 3
- Comanche CD *
- Comanche – Maximum Overkill
- Comanche – Mission Disk 1
- Comanche – Over the Edge
- Combat Air Patrol
- Combots
- Command & Conquer
- Command & Conquer – The Covert Operations
- Command & Conquer: Red Alert
- Command & Conquer: Red Alert – Counterstrike
- Command & Conquer: Red Alert – The Aftermath
- Commander Blood
- Commander Keen 1 – Marooned on Mars
- Commander Keen 2 – The Earth Explodes
- Commander Keen 3 – Keen Must Die
- Commander Keen 4 – Secret of the Oracle
- Commander Keen 5 – The Armageddon Machine
- Commander Keen 6 – Aliens Ate My Baby Sitter
- Command H.Q.
- Companions of Xanth
- Complete Universal Military Simulator, The
- Computer Circus Maximus
- Computer Diplomacy
- Computer Edition of Risk, The – The World Conquest Game
- Computer Edition of Scrabble Brand Crossword Game, The
- Computer Quiz, The
- Computer Underground
- Conan – The Cimmerian
- Conflict
- Conflict – Europe
- Conflict – Korea the First Year 1950–1951
- Conflict – Middle East
- Connectris
- Connex
- Conquered Kingdoms
- Conquered Kingdoms – Scenario Disk #1
- Conqueror – A.D. 1086
- Conquer the World
- Conquest Earth
- Conquest of Japan
- Conquest of the New World
- Conquest of the New World – Deluxe Edition
- Conquests of Camelot – The Search for the Grail
- Conquests of the Longbow – The Legend of Robin Hood
- Construction Bob
- Constructor
- Continuum
- Contra
- Contraption Zack
- Cool Croc Twins
- Cool Spot
- Cool World
- Corncob Deluxe
- Corporate Raider – The Pirate of Wall St.
- Corporation
- Corridor 7 – Alien Invasion
- Corruption
- Cosmo's Cosmic Adventure – Forbidden Planet
- Countdown
- Countdown to Doom
- Crackdown
- Crack of Doom, The
- Crazy Cars
- Crazy Cars 2
- Crazy Cars III
- Crazy Cows
- Crazy Eights
- Crazy Nick's Picks – King Graham's Board Game Challenge
- Creature Shock
- Creepers
- Cribbage King / Gin King
- Cricket 96
- Cricket 97
- Crime and Punishment
- Crime City
- Crime Fighter
- Crime Patrol
- Crime Time
- Crime Wave
- Crimson Crown, The
- Crisis in the Kremlin
- Crossbow – The Legend of William Tell
- Crown
- Cruel World
- Cruise for a Corpse
- Crusader – No Regret
- Crusader – No Remorse
- Crush, Crumble and Chomp
- Crusher
- Cryptic Passage for Blood
- Crystal Ball
- Crystal Caves
- Crystal Maze, The
- Crystal Pixels
- Crystals of Arborea
- Curse of Enchantia
- Curse of the Azure Bonds
- Curse of the Catacombs
- Curses
- Cutthroats
- Cyberball
- Cyberchess
- Cybercon III
- Cyberdogs
- Cyber Empires
- Cybergenic Ranger – Secret of the Seventh Planet
- Cyberia
- Cyberia 2 – Resurrection
- Cyber Judas
- CyberMage – Darklight Awakening
- CyberRace
- CyberStrike
- Cyberwar
- Cyberwars
- Cyborg
- Cyclemania
- Cycles, The – International Grand Prix Racing
- Cycle Wars
- CyClones
- Cylindrix
- Cyril Cyberpunk
- Cyrus
- D
- Daemon's Gate
- Dagger of Amon Ra, The
- Dalek Attack
- Dalk
- Dam Busters
- Dame Was Loaded, The
- Dangerous Dave in the Haunted Mansion
- Dangerous Dave in Trophy Trouble
- Dangerous Dave's Risky Rescue
- Dark Ages
- Dark Castle
- Dark Century
- Dark Designs I – Grelminar's Staff
- Dark Designs II – Closing the Gate
- Darker
- The Dark Half (hra)
- Dark Heart of Uukrul, The
- Dark Hour for Quake
- Darklands
- Dark Legions
- Darklight Conflict
- Dark Queen of Krynn, The
- Dark Seed
- Darkspyre
- Dark Sun – Shattered Lands
- Dark Sun – Wake of the Ravager
- Dark Universe
- Dark Woods 2
- Darts
- Das Boot
- Das Erbe
- Das Stundenglas
- Daughter of Serpents
- Dave Goes Nutz
- Davidic Matchup
- David Leadbetter's Golf
- David Wolf – Secret Agent
- Dawn Patrol
- Day of the Tentacle
- Day of the Viper
- Days of Thunder
- D-Day – America Invades
- D-Day – The Beginning of the End
- DDM Soccer '96
- Deadline
- Deadly Racer
- Deathbringer
- Death Bringer
- Death by Dark Shadows
- Death Gate
- Death Knights of Krynn
- Death Rally
- Death Sword
- Deathtrack
- Dedale
- Deep Space – Operation Copernicus
- Deer Napped
- Defcon 5
- Defender of Boston – The Rock Island Mystery
- Defender of the Crown
- Deja Vu – A Nightmare Comes True
- Deja Vu II – Lost in Las Vegas
- Delta V
- Deluxe Ski Jump
- Demon Day
- Demon's Gate – 666 New Levels for Doom and Doom II
- Demon Stalkers
- Demon's Winter
- Der Planer
- Der Schatz im Silbersee
- Descent
- Descent – Anniversary Edition
- Descent – Levels of the World
- Descent II
- Descent II – The Infinite Abyss
- Descent to Undermountain
- Desert Storm Command Deluxe
- Desert Strike – Return to the Gulf
- Design Your Own Railroad
- Desire
- Despair 2
- Despair 3
- Destination – Mars
- Destruction Derby
- Destruction Derby 2
- Detective Storm
- Detroit
- Deus
- Devo Presents – Adventures of the Smart Patrol
- D/Generation
- Diamaze
- Diamond Digger
- Dick Tracy – The Crime-Solving Adventure
- Die Fugger II
- Die Hard
- Die Hard 2 – Die Harder
- Die Höhlenwelt Saga – Der Leuchtende Kristall
- Die Kathedrale
- Digger
- Diggers 2 – Extractors
- Dig It
- Dig, The
- Dime City
- Dimensions for Descent
- Dimo's Quest
- Dinopark Tycoon
- Dinosaur Predators
- Dino-Sorcerer
- Dinotopia
- Disc
- Disciples of Steel
- Discoveries of the Deep
- Discovering America
- Discworld
- Discworld 2
- Disney's Aladdin
- Disney's Duck Tales – The Quest for Gold
- Dive Bomber
- Dive – The Conquest of Silver Eye
- Dizzy – Prince of the Yolkfolk
- DJ Puff's Volcanic Capers
- D!Match
- Do 335 Pfeil Tour of Duty
- D.O.G: Fight for Your Life
- Dominus
- Donald's Alphabet Chase
- Donkey Island
- Don Quijote
- Don't Go Alone
- Doofus
- Doom
- Doom 2D
- Doom II – Hell on Earth
- Doppelpass
- Dotso
- Double Dare
- Double Dragon
- Double Dragon II – The Revenge
- Double Dragon III – The Sacred Stones
- Double Dribble
- Double Talk – Sports Edition
- Downhill Challenge
- Down in the Dumps
- Drachen Von Laas
- Dracula in London
- Dracula Unleashed
- DragonFlight
- Dragon Knight
- Dragon Knight 2
- Dragon Knight 4
- Dragon Lord
- Dragon Lore – The Legend Begins
- Dragon Lore II – The Heart of the Dragon Man
- Dragons – A Challenge in Chivalry
- Dragon's Lair
- Dragon's Lair II – Escape from Singe's Castle
- Dragon's Lair II – TimeWarp
- Dragon's Lair III – The Curse of Mordread
- Dragon Slayer – The Legend of Heroes
- Dragon Slayer – The Legend of Heroes II
- Dragons of Flame
- Dragonsphere
- DragonStrike
- Dragon Warrior
- Dragon Wars
- Dragonworld
- Drak
- Drakkhen
- Dráscula
- Dr. Doom's Revenge
- Dr. Dumont's Wild Part I
- Dreams to Reality
- Dream Warrior
- DreamWeb
- Dreamzone
- Droids
- Druglord
- Drug Wars
- Drug Wars
- Druid – Daemons of the Mind
- Duel, The – Test Drive II
- Duke Nukem
- Duke Nukem II
- Duke Nukem 3D
o Duke Nukem 3D Atomic Edition
o Duke Nukem 3D Plutonium Pak
o Duke Nukem 3D – Duke3D Mania
o Duke Nukem 3D – Duke Assault
o Duke Nukem 3D – Duke Caribbean: Life's a Beach
o Duke Nukem 3D – Duke It Out in D.C.
o Duke Nukem 3D – Duke: Nuclear Winter
o Duke Nukem 3D – Duke Xtreme
o Duke Nukem 3D – Duke!ZONE
o Duke Nukem 3D – Duke!ZONE II
- Dune
- Dune II – The Building of a Dynasty
- Dungeon Hack
- Dungeon Keeper
- Dungeon Master
- Dungeon Master II – The Legend of Skullkeep
- Dungeons of Kroz
- Dungeons of the Unforgiven
- Dunjonquest – Curse of Ra
- Dunkle Schatten
- Dunkle Schatten 2 – Im Netzwerk Gefangen
- Dusk of the Gods
- Dylan Dog – Through the Looking Glass
- D!Zone
- D!Zone 150
- D!Zone 2
- D!Zone 2 150
- D!Zone 3
- D!Zone Gold
- Eagle Eye Mysteries
- Eagle Eye Mysteries in London
- Earl Weaver Baseball
- Earth 2140
- Earthrise
- Earthworm Jim 2
- East vs West – Berlin 1948
- Echelon
- Eco Phantoms
- EcoQuest – The Search for Cetus
- EcoQuest2 – Lost Secret of the Rainforest
- Ecstatica
- Ecstatica II
- Ed Chess
- Education Series – General Knowledge Builder
- EF2000
- EGA-Roids
- EGATrek
- Eight Ball Deluxe
- El Capitan Trueno
- Elder Scrolls, The – Arena
- Elder Scrolls, The – Daggerfall
- Electranoid
- Electroman
- Elevator
- Elf
- El-fish
- ElfLand
- Elisabeth I
- Elite
- Elite Plus
- El Principio del Fin
- Elvira – Mistress of the Dark
- Elvira – The Arcade Game
- Elvira II – The Jaws of Cerberus
- Emergency Room
- Emilio Butragueno Futbol
- Emmanuelle – A Game of Eroticism
- Empire – Wargame of the Century
- Empire Deluxe
- Empire Deluxe Scenarios
- Empire Soccer
- Enchanter
- EnCore
- Encounter
- Encyclopedia of War – Ancient Battles
- Endgame
- Energie Manager
- England Championship Special
- Entity
- Epic RPG
- Epic Pinball
- Eradicator
- Eric the Unready
- Escape from Delirium
- Escape from Hell
- Escape from the Planet of the Robot Monsters
- ESPN Extreme Games
- Essex
- E.S.S. Mega
- Eternal Destiny
- Eternam
- European Champions
- European Championship 1992
- European Racers
- Evasive Action
- Eve Burst Error
- Even More Incredible Machine, The
- Excelsior Phase one – Lysandia
- Executive Suite
- Exodus – Journey to the Promised Land
- Exploration
- Extreme Assault
- Extreme Pinball
- Extreme Rise of the Triad
- Eye of Horus
- Eye of the Beholder
- Eye of the Beholder II – The Legend of Darkmoon
- Eye of the Beholder III – Assault on Myth Drannor
- Eye of the Storm
- F-14 Tomcat
- F-15 Strike Eagle II
- F-15 Strike Eagle III
- F-15 Strike Eagle II: Operation Desert Storm Scenario Disk
- F-16 Combat Pilot
- F-19 Stealth Fighter
- F29 Retaliator
- Fable
- Face Off!
- Faces
- Fade to Black
- The Faery Tale Adventure: Book I
- Fahrenheit 451
- Falcon
- Falcon 3.0
- Falcon 3.0: Hornet: Naval Strike Fighter
- Falcon 3.0: MiG-29
- Falcon 3.0: Operation Fighting Tiger
- Falcon A.T.
- Falcon Gold
- Fallen Angel
- Family Feud
- The Fantastic Adventures of Dizzy
- Fantastic Fossils
- Fantastic Fossils II
- Fantastic Four
- Fantasy 5
- Fantasy Empires
- Fantasy Fest!
- Fantasy General
- Fantasy Pack
- Fantasy Pak
- Fantasy World Dizzy
- Farland Story
- Farland Story: Daichi no Kizuna
- Farland Story Denki: Arc Ou no Ensei
- Farland Story: Kamigami no Isen
- Farland Story: Shirogane no Tsubasa
- Farland Story: Tenshi no Namida
- Fascination
- Fast Attack: High Tech Submarine Warfare
- Fast Break
- Fast Food
- Fatal Fumes
- Fates of Twinion
- Fatty Bear's Birthday Surprise
- Fatty Bear's FunPack
- The Fellowship of the Ring
- Fernando MartĂ
n Basket Master - Ferrari Formula One
- Feud
- F.Godmom
- The Fidelity Chessmaster 2100
- Fields of Glory
- Fiendish Freddy's Big Top O' Fun
- FIFA 97
- FIFA International Soccer
- FIFA Soccer 96
- Fighter Duel
- Fighter Wing
- Final Assault
- The Final Conflict
- The Final Crusade of Kroz
- Final Doom
- Fire and Forget
- Fire and Forget 2: The Death Convoy
- Fire Brigade
- Firehawk
- Fire & Ice
- Fire King
- Fire Power
- First Expedition
- The First Mile
- The First Samurai
- Fish!
- Flames of Freedom
- Flamingo Tours
- Flashback: The Quest for Identity
- Flash Traffic: City of Angels- Tsunami Games
- Fleet Defender
- Flies Attack on Earth
- Flight Assignment: Airline Transport Pilot
- Flightmare
- Flight of the Amazon Queen
- Flight of the Intruder
- Flight Unlimited
- Flippy's Circus Coins
- FlixMix
- Floor 13
- Flying Corps
- Flying Corps Gold
- Flying Tigers
- Fooblitzky
- The Fool's Errand
- Football
- Football Glory
- Football Manager
- Football Manager 2
- Footy Fanatic
- Ford Simulator 5.0
- Ford Simulator III
- The Ford Simulator
- The Forgotten Realms Archives
- Forgotten Worlds
- The Fortress of Dr. Radiaki
- Fountain of Dreams
- Four Card Solitaire
- The Four Crystals of Trazere
- FourSide
- Fowlplay
- Frac
- Fragile Allegiance
- Framed
- Franko: The Crazy Revenge
- Frank Thomas Big Hurt Baseball
- Freakin' Funky Fuzzballs
- Freddy Hardest
- Freddy Hardest in South Manhattan
- Freddy Pharkas: Frontier Pharmacist
- Freddy's Rescue Roundup
- Frederik Pohl's Gateway
- Free D.C!
- Frontier: Elite 2
- Frontier: First Encounters
- Front Lines
- Front Page Sports: Baseball '94
- Front Page Sports: Football
- Front Page Sports: Football Pro
- Front Page Sports: Football Pro '96 Season
- Fuck Quest
- Full Metal Planete
- Full Throttle
- The Full Wormage
- Funball
- Funny Face 2
- Fury of the Furries
- Future Wars
- Fuzzy's World of Miniature Space Golf
- FX Fighter
- Gabriel Knight – Sins of the Fathers
- Gadget – Invention, Travel & Adventure
- Galacta – The Battle for Saturn
- Galactic Battle
- Galactic Conqueror
- Galactic Empire
- Galactic Warrior Rats
- Galactix
- Galaxy Trek
- Galleons of Glory – The Secret Voyage of Magellan
- Game of Harmony, The
- Game of Life, The
- Game of Robot, The
- Game Over
- Games '92, The – Espana
- Games People Play, The – Gin, Cribbage, Checkers and Backgammon
- Games, The – Summer Challenge
- Games, The – Summer Edition
- Games, The – Winter Challenge
- Games, The – Winter Edition
- Game With No Name, The
- Gamma Wing
- Ganja Farmer
- Gary Grigsby's Pacific War (1992)
- Gary Grigsby's Pacific War (2000)
- Gary Grigsby's War in Russia
- Gateway 2 – Homeworld
- Gateway to the Savage Frontier
- Gauntlet
- Gauntlet II
- Gazza II
- GBA Championship Basketball – Two-on-Two
- Gear Works
- Geekwad – Games of the Galaxy- Tsunami Games
- Geheimprojekt DMSO
- Geisha
- Gemfire
- Gemstone Warrior
- Gemstone Warrior II
- Gender Wars
- Gene Machine, The
- Genewars
- Genghis Khan
- Genghis Khan II – Clan of the Grey Wolf
- Genocide
- Gettysburg – The Turning Point
- Ghostbusters II
- Ghosts 'N Goblins
- Gladiator
- Global Conquest
- Global Dilemma, The – Guns or Butter
- Global Domination
- Global Effect
- Goal!
- Goal 94
- Goal II
- Gobliiins
- Gobliiins 2 – The Prince Buffoon
- Goblins Quest 3
- Gobman
- Godfather, The – The Action Game
- God of Thunder
- Gods
- Golden Axe
- Golden Basket
- Gold of the Americas – The Conquest of the New World
- Gold of the Aztecs, The
- Gold Rush!
- Gone Fishin'
- Goody
- Graeme Souness Soccer Manager
- Grailquest
- Grandest Fleet, The
- Grand Fleet
- Grandmaster Chess
- Grand Monster Slam
- Grand Prix 2
- Grand Prix 500 2
- Grand Prix Circuit
- Grand Prix Master
- Grand Prix Unlimited
- Grand Theft Auto
- Grand Theft Auto – London 1969
- Grave Yardage
- Gravity Force
- Great Courts 2
- Great Escape, The
- Great Naval Battles – Guadalcanal 1942–1943
- Great Naval Battles – North Atlantic 1939–1943
- Great Naval Battles – Fury in the Pacific 1941–1944
- Gremlins 2 – The New Batch (Hi-Tech Expressions)
- Gremlins 2 – The New Batch (Elite Systems)
- Greystone
- GT Racing 97
- Guardians of Infinity – To Save Kennedy
- Guild of Thieves, The
- Guilty
- Guimo
- Gulf Strike
- Gunboat
- Gunmetal
- Gunship
- Gunship 2000
- Gunship 2000 Scenario Disk and Mission Builder
- Guy Spy and the Crystals of Armageddon
- Hack
- Hacker
- Hacker 2 – The Doomsday Papers
- Halls of Montezuma – A Battle History of the United States Marine Corps
- Halls of the Dead – Faery Tale Adventure II
- Hammer Boy
- Hammer of the Gods
- Hamurabi
- Handy Caps
- Hannibal
- Hanse – Die Expedition
- Haral HĂĄrdtand – Kampen om de rene tænder
- HardBall!
- HardBall II
- HardBall III
- HardBall 4
- HardBall 5
- Hard Drivin'
- Hard Drivin' II
- Hardline
- Hard Nova
- Hare Raising Havoc
- Harley-Davidson – The Road to Sturgis
- Harpoon
- Harpoon 2 Admirals Edition
- Harrier 7
- Harrier Jump Jet
- Harry and the Haunted House
- Harvester
- Hattrick!
- He-162 Volksjäger Tour of Duty
- Headline Harry and the Great Paper Race
- Heartlight
- Heart of China
- Heaven & Earth
- Heavy Barrel
- Heavy Water Jogger
- Heimdall
- Heimdall 2 – Into the Hall of Worlds
- Heirs to the Throne
- Helicopter Mission
- Helious
- Helious II
- Hell – A Cyberpunk Thriller
- Hellfire Zone
- Hell to Pay
- Helter Skelter
- Heretic
- Heretic – Shadow of the Serpent Riders
- Heroes of Might and Magic
- Heroes of the 357th
- Heroes of the Lance
- Heroes – The Tantalising Trio
- Hero Quest
- Hero's Heart
- Hero's Quest – So You Want To Be A Hero
- Herrscher der Meere
- Hexen – Beyond Heretic
- Hexen – Deathkings of the Dark Citadel
- Hexuma – Das Auge des Kal
- Hexxagon
- Hexxagon 2
- Hexx – Heresy of the Wizard
- Hidden Agenda
- Hidden Below, The
- High Command – Europe 1939–45
- High Roller
- High Seas Trader
- Highway Hunter
- Highway Patrol II
- Hillsfar
- Hill Street Blues
- HIND – The Russian Combat Helicopter Simulation
- Hi-Octane
- Hired Guns
- Historyline – 1914–1918
- Hitchiker's Guide to the Galaxy, The
- Hockey League Simulator
- Hockey League Simulator 2
- Hocus Pocus
- Hole in One
- Hollywood Hijinx
- Hollywood Pictures
- Home Alone
- Home Alone 2 – Lost in New York
- Home Run Derby
- Hometown U.S.A.
- Homey D. Clown
- Hong Kong Mahjong
- Hook
- Hoosier City
- Horde, The
- Horror Zombies from the Crypt
- Hostage – Rescue Mission
- Hound of Shadow
- Hoverforce
- Hovertank
- How to Weigh an Elephant
- Hoyle's Official Book of Games: Volume 1
- Hoyle's Official Book of Games: Volume 2
- Hoyle's Official Book of Games: Volume 3
- Hugo's House of Horrors
- Hugo 2 – Whodunit?
- Hugo III – Jungle of Doom
- Hulk, The
- Humans, The
- Humans 2, The
- Humans 3, The – Evolution Lost in Time
- Hunt for Red October, The (1987)
- Hunt for Red October, The (1990)
- H.U.R.L.
- Hyper 3-D Pinball
- Hyperspeed
- Hyper Tank
- H!Zone
- I-0 – Jailbait on Interstate Zero
- IBM BASIC Quiz, The
- ICON – The Quest for the Ring
- iF-16 Fighting Falcon
- If It Moves, Shoot It!
- Ignition
- Igor – Objective Uikokahonia
- I Have No Mouth, and I Must Scream
- Ikari Warriors II – Victory Road
- Ikari Warriors III – The Rescue
- Immortal, The
- Impact!
- Imperium
- Imperium Galactica
- Imperium Romanum
- Impossible Mission II
- Inca
- Inca II – Nations of Immortality
- Incredible Hulk, The – The Pantheon Saga
- Incredible Machine 2, The
- Incredible Machine, The
- Incunabula
- Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis
- Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis – The Action Game
- Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis – The Graphic Adventure
- Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom
- Indiana Jones in Revenge of the Ancients
- Indianapolis 500 – The Simulation
- IndyCar Racing
- IndyCar Racing II
- In Extremis
- Infernal Tome, The
- Inferno
- Infestation
- Infidel
- Infiltrator
- Infiltrator II
- Inherit the Earth – Quest for the Orb
- Innocent Until Caught
- In Pursuit of Greed
- In Search of Dr. Riptide
- In Search of the Most Amazing Thing
- Inside Trader – The Authentic Stock Trading Game
- Intelligent Strategy Games 10
- International Karate
- International Open Gold Championship
- International Sensible Soccer
- International Soccer
- International Sports Challenge
- International Tennis
- International Tennis Open
- Interphase
- Interpose
- In the Dead of Night
- Into the Eagle's Nest
- Into the Void
- Invaders 1978
- Invasion of the Mutant Space Bats of Doom
- Invest
- Iron & Blood – Warriors of Ravenloft
- Iron Cross
- Iron Lord
- Iron Man / X-O Manowar in Heavy Metal
- Iron Seed
- Ishar – Legend of the Fortress
- Ishar 2 – Messengers of Doom
- Ishar 3 – The Seven Gates of Infinity
- Ishido – The Way of Stones
- Island Hopper
- Island of Dr. Brain, The
- Island Peril
- Isle of the Dead
- ?stanbul Efsaneleri: Lale Sava?ç?lar?
- It Came from the Desert
- Ivan „Iron Man“ Stewart's Super Off Road
- Iznogoud
- Jabato
- Jabbertalky
- Jack Flash
- Jack in the Dark
- Jack Nicklaus Golf & Course Design
- Jack Nicklaus' Greatest 18 Holes of Major Championship Golf
- Jack the Ripper
- Jagged Alliance
- Jagged Alliance – Deadly Games
- Jahangir Khan's World Championship Squash
- Jai Alai
- James Bond 007 – A View to A Kill
- James Bond – The Stealth Affair
- James Clavell's Shogun
- James Pond 2 – Codename: RoboCod
- Jammit
- Jane's Combat Simulations – Advanced Tactical Fighters
- Jane's Combat Simulations – Advanced Tactical Fighters: Nato Fighters
- Jane's Combat Simulations – AH-64D Longbow
- Jane's Combat Simulations – AH-64D Longbow: Flash Point Korea
- Jane's Combat Simulations – AH-64D Longbow: Limited Edition
- Janitor Joe
- Jazz Jackrabbit
- Jazz Jackrabbit CD-ROM
- Jazz Jackrabbit – Christmas Edition
- Jazz Jackrabbit – Holiday Hare 1995
- J.B. Harold In – Murder Club
- Jeopardy!
- Jesus Matchup
- Jet
- Jetfighter
- Jetfighter 2
- Jetfighter 2 – Advanced Mission Disk
- Jetfighter 3
- Jetfighter 3 Enhanced Campaign CD
- Jetfighter – Full Burn
- Jetman
- Jetpack
- Jetset
- Jet Set Willy – The Final Frontier PC
- Jetsons, The
- Jetstrike
- Jewels of Darkness
- Jigsaw Puzzle
- Jill of the Jungle
- Jill of the Jungle 2 – Jill Goes Underground
- Jill of the Jungle 3 – Jill Saves the Prince
- Jim Henson's Muppet Adventure No. 1 – Chaos at the Carnival
- Jimmy Connors Pro Tennis Tour
- Jimmy White's Whirlwind Snooker
- Jim Power – The Lost Dimension in 3D
- Jinxter
- J & J's Vegas Pack – Black-Jack
- Joan of Arc – Siege and the Sword
- Joe and Mac – Caveman Ninja
- Joe Montana Football
- John Madden Football
- John Madden Football II
- Jonah Lomu Rugby
- Jonathan
- Jones in the Fast Lane
- Jones in the Fast Lane (rozšířená CDROM verze)
- Jonny Quest
- Jordan vs. Bird – One-on-One
- Joshua & the Battle of Jericho
- Journey – The Quest Begins
- Jr. Pac-Man
- J.R.R. Tolkien's Riders of Rohan
- J.R.R. Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings, Vol. I
- J.R.R. Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings, Vol. II – The Two Towers
- J.R.R. Tolkien's War in Middle Earth
- Judge Dredd
- Judge Dredd Pinball
- Juggles' Butterfly
- Jumpjet
- Jumpman Lives!
- Jump 'n Bump
- Jungle Strike – The Sequel to Desert Strike
- Jurassic Park
- Just Grandma and Me
- Jutland
- Kamikazi Alien
- Kampfgruppe
- Karateka
- Karnov
- Kasparov's Gambit
- Keef the Thief
- Keen Dreams
- Ken's Labyrinth
- Kentris
- Keys to Maramon, The
- Khalaan
- Kick Off 2
- Kick Off 3
- Kick Off 96
- Kick Off 97
- Kick Off 98
- Kid's Kards
- Killing Cloud
- Kiloblaster
- King Arthur's K.O.R.T
- Kingdom at War
- Kingdom of Kroz
- Kingdom of Kroz II
- Kingdom O' Magic
- Kingdom – The Far Reaches
- Kingmaker
- King of Chicago, The
- King's Bounty
- Kings of the Beach
- King's Quest I – Quest for the Crown
- King's Quest II – Romancing the Throne
- King's Quest III – To Heir is Human
- King's Quest IV – The Peril's of Rosella
- King's Quest V – Absence Makes the Heart Go Yonder
- King's Quest VI – Heir Today, Gone Tomorrow
- King's Table – The Legend of Ragnarok
- Kithe #14
- KKND – Krush, Kill ‚N‘ Destroy
- Klax
- Klondike Solitaire
- Knight Games
- Knightmare
- Knight Orc
- Knights of Legend
- Knights of the Desert – The North African Campaign of 1941–1943
- Knights of the Sky
- Knights of Xentar
- Koshan Conspiracy, The
- Kosmonaut
- Kristal, The
- Kronolog – The Nazi Paradox
- Krusty's Fun House
- Krypton Egg
- Kwik Snax
- L5RC
- La Abadia del Crimen
- La Aventura Espacial
- La Aventura Original
- Labyrinth of Time, The
- La Colmena
- La Corona Mágica
- L.A. Crackdown
- Ladder Man
- La Diosa de Cozumel
- L'affaire Morlove
- Lagaf: Les Aventures de Moktar – Vol 1: La Zoubida
- Lakers vs. Celtics and the NBA Playoffs
- Lamers
- Lancelot
- Land, Sea and Air!
- Land, Sea and Air 2!
- Lands of Lore – Guardians of Destiny
- Lands of Lore – The Throne of Chaos
- Laplace no Ma
- Larn
- Larry Vales – Traffic Division
- Larry Vales II – Dead Girls are Easy
- Laser Light
- Laser Squad
- Laser Surgeon – The Microscopic Mission
- Last Action Hero
- Last Armageddon
- Last Bounty Hunter, The
- Last Eichhof, The
- Last Express, The
- Last Ninja, The
- Last Ninja 2 – Back with a Vengeance
- Last Rites
- Lawnmower Man, The
- Learn to Add
- Leather Goddesses of Phobos
- Leather Goddesses of Phobos 2: Gas Pump Girls Meet the Pulsating Inconvenience from Planet X!
- Le Fetiche Maya
- Legacy of the Ancients
- Legacy, The – Realm of Terror
- Legend of Djel
- Legend of Faerghail
- Legend of Kyrandia, The
- Legend of Kyrandia, The – Hand of Fate
- Legend of Kyrandia, The – Malcolm's Revenge
- Legend of the Red Dragon
- Legend of the Sword
- Legends of Murder II – Grey Haven
- Legends of Valour
- Leisure Genius presents Monopoly
- Leisure Suit Larry 1 – In the Land of the Lounge Lizards
- Leisure Suit Larry 2 – Larry Goes Looking for Love (In Several Wrong Places)
- Leisure Suit Larry 3 – Passionate Patti in Pursuit of the Pulsating Pectorals
- Leisure Suit Larry 5 – Passionate Patti Does a Little Undercover Work!
- Leisure Suit Larry 6 – Shape Up or Slip Out!
- Leisure Suit Larry 7 – Love for Sail!
- Lemmings
- Lemmings 2: The Tribes
- Lemmings 3D
- Lemmings Chronicles, The
- L'Empereur
- Les Manley in – Lost in L.A.
- Les Manley in – Search for the King
- Lethal Tender
- Lethal Weapon
- Levels & Add-Ons fĂĽr Warcraft II
- Lexi-Cross
- Leyendas de Lhodrye – Arakhas el Oscuro
- Leyendas de Lhodrye – La Luz del Druida
- LHX – Attack Chopper
- Liberty or Death
- Liero
- Life & Death
- Life & Death 2 – The Brain
- Life in the Fast Lane
- LifesBattle
- Light Corridor, The
- Lighthouse – The Dark Being
- Lightspeed
- LineWars 2
- Links 386 Pro
- Links: Championship Course – Banff Springs
- Links: Championship Course – Barton Creek
- Links: Championship Course – Bay Hill Club & Lodge
- Links: Championship Course – Bighorn
- Links: Championship Course – Bountiful Golf Course
- Links: Championship Course – Castlepines
- Links: Championship Course – Firestone Country Club
- Links: Championship Course – Hyatt Dorado Beach Resort
- Links: Championship Course – Innisbrook – Copperhead
- Links: Championship Course – Mauna Kea
- Links: Championship Course – Pebble Beach
- Links: Championship Course – Pinehurst Country Club
- Links: Championship Course – Troon North
- Links: Fantasy Course – Devils Island
- Links LS 1997
- Links – The Challenge of Golf
- Linley Henzell's Dungeon Crawl
- Linus Spacehead's Cosmic Crusade
- Lion
- Lion King, The
- Litil Divil
- Little Monk
- Little Monster at School
- Livingstone, I Presume?
- Livingstone Supongo 2
- Llamatron – 2112
- Loader Larry
- Loadstar – The Legend of Tully Bodine
- Locomotion
- Locus
- Lode Runner
- Lode Runner – The Legend Returns
- Logical
- Lollypop
- Lombard RAC Rally
- Lone Eagle – Colombian Encounter
- Loopz
- Lords of Chaos
- Lords of Conquest
- Lords of Doom
- Lords of Midnight
- Lords of the Realm
- Lords of the Realm II
- Lords of the Realm II: Siege Pack
- Lords of the Rising Sun
- Lorna
- Los Justiciero
- Lost Admiral, The
- Lost Adventures of Kroz
- Lost Adventures of Legend, The
- Lost Crown of Queen Anne, The
- Lost Dutchman Mine
- Lost Dutchman's Gold
- Lost Eden
- Lost Episodes of Doom, The
- Lost Files of Sherlock Holmes, The – The Case of the Rose Tattoo
- Lost Files of Sherlock Holmes, The – The Case of the Serrated Scalpel
- Lost in Time
- Lost Patrol
- Lost Tribe, The
- Lost Vikings, The
- Lotus – The Ultimate Challenge
- Love's Fiery Imbroglio
- Low Blow
- Luigi en Circusland
- Luigi & Spaghetti
- Lunar Command
- Lunar Explorer – A Space Flight Simulator
- Lupo Alberto, The VideoGame
- Lure of the Temptress
- Lurking Horror, The
- M1 Tank Platoon
- Maabus
- Macadam Bumper
- MacArthur's War – Battles for Korea
- Mach 3
- Machiavelli the Prince
- Mad Cow Man and Deep Fried Fat Boy
- Mad Dog McCree
- Mad Dog II – The Lost Gold
- Mad Mix
- Mad Mix 2
- Mad News
- Mad Paradox
- Mad TV
- Mad TV 2
- Maelstrom
- Magic Boxes
- Magic Candle, The
- Magic Candle II, The – The Four and Forty
- Magic Candle III, The
- Magic Carpet
- Magic Carpet – Hidden Worlds
- Magic Carpet 2 – The Netherworlds
- Magic Crayon
- Magic Johnson MVP
- Magicland Dizzy
- Magic & Mayhem for Heretic
- Magic Pockets
- Magnetik Tank
- Magocracy
- Mah Jongg Solitaire
- Major League Manager
- Major Stryker
- Maker's Matchup
- Malice for Quake
- Malta Storm
- Mambo
- Manchester United Europe
- Manchester United – The Double
- Manhole, The
- Manhole, The – New and Enhanced
- Manhunter – New York
- Manhunter 2 – San Francisco
- Maniac Mansion
- Manic Karts
- Manic Miner
- Marble Cooking
- Marco Polo
- Marine Fighters
- Mario is Missing!
- Mario's Early Years – Fun With Letters
- Mario's Game Gallery
- Mario Teaches Typing
- Marshmallow Duel
- Mars Saga
- Martian Memorandum
- Mass Destruction
- Masterblazer
- Master Levels for Doom II
- Master Ninja – Shadow Warrior of Death
- Master of Magic
- Master of Orion
- Master of Orion II – Battle at Antares
- Math Blaster!
- Math Blaster Plus!
- Math Rescue
- Matteraketen: Den försvunna staden
- Matterhorn Screamer
- Maupiti Island
- Maxit
- M.A.X.: Mechanized Assault and Exploration
- Maze Machine
- Maze Runner
- Maze Wars
- M.C. Kids
- Mean 18
- Mean Streets
- Mech Brigade
- MechWarrior
- MechWarrior 2: 31st Century Combat
- MechWarrior 2: Ghost Bear's Legacy
- MechWarrior 2: Mercenaries
- Medieval Lords: Soldier Kings of Europe
- Medieval Warriors
- Megafortress
- Mega lo Mania
- Mega Man
- Mega Man 3
- Mega Man 3: The Robots are Revolting
- Mega Man X
- Mega Math
- MegaRace
- MegaRace 2
- Megaspectre
- MegaTraveller 1: The Zhodani Conspiracy
- MegaTraveller 2: Quest for the Ancients
- Megatron VGA
- Menace
- Menzoberranzan
- Merchant Colony
- Merchant Prince
- Mercy
- Merlin Challenge
- Metal Gear
- Metal & Lace: The Battle of the Robo Babes
- Metal Mutant
- Metaltech: Battledrome
- Metaltech: Earthsiege
- Metaltech: Earthsiege Speech Pack
- Meteors
- Miami Vice
- Michael Jordan in Flight
- Michel Futbol Master + Super Skills
- Mickey's Crossword Puzzle Maker
- Mickey's Space Adventure
- Microcosm
- MicroLeague Baseball IV
- MicroLeague Football 2
- MicroLink Push Your Luck
- MicroLink Shut the Box
- MicroLink Yaht
- Micro Machines
- Micro Machines 2: Turbo Tournament
- Microprose Pro Soccer
- Microsoft Caribbean
- Microsoft Flight Simulator Aircraft & Scenery Designer
- Microsoft Flight Simulator v3.0
- Microsoft Flight Simulator v4.0
- Microsoft Flight Simulator v5.0
- Microsoft Space Simulator
- Midway Campaign
- Midway: The Battle that Doomed Japan
- Midwinter
- Might and Magic I: The Secret of the Inner Sanctum
- Might and Magic II: Gates to Another World
- Might and Magic III: Isles of Terra
- Might and Magic IV: Clouds of Xeen
- Might and Magic V: Darkside of Xeen
- Might and Magic: World of Xeen
- Mighty Bombjack
- Mike Ditka Ultimate Football
- Mille Bornes
- Millennia: Altered Destinies
- Millennium: Retu
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